Chapter 38

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We're now back in the Viridian City, and we're glad to see the Viridian Pokemon Center is back to normal.

"I'm going to win it here, with this, I'll be able to get my final badge to the Pokemon League." I say.

Much to our dismay, Gary is also here, and he taunts me for not having enough badges. I say, "Actually, I only have to win one more to get in."

He tries to taunt me by having 10 badges, and I say, "Why would you need 10 badges? And by the look of it, you don't even have Saffron or Cinnabar badges as well."

"I just stop by here to see the gym leader wants to battle the real Pokemon trainer." I can feel my blood boiling, and because Gary enters the gym, I can't go into the gym because of it.

"Looks like you have to wait." Insey says. "What are we going to do now?"

"How about coming to my house? My parents would be happy to see me." Yellow says.

We decide to visit Yellow's parents, and they are actually quite nice. Although they are really overprotective of Yellow because she's just a little girl. After we stay for a while, we think Gary is already done with the gym and we enter the building.

The gym has a lot of transporting tiles, and it is actually familiar to us for some reason. The guide says, "Yo! Champ in the making! Even I don't know who the Viridian City Gym Leader is. But one thing's certain: you're qualified to challenge the Gym Leader because you have seven badges! This gym leader will be stronger than any other trainers you've ever faced. Also, I heard that the Trainers here are users of Ground-type Pokemon."

"Ground Type..." I turn to Pikachu and say, "Sorry, buddy. I might not be able to use you in this battle."

Pikachu frowns as he knows that Ground Type is not going to do well for him, as he nods sadly.

As we get to the first trainer, who is an Ace Trainer named Samuel, he says, "The Viridian City gym was closed for a long time. But now, our Gym Leader is back!"

He sends out only one Pokemon and it is a Nidoking, I use Rhydon to battle. Rhydon uses the Earthquake to knock out the Nidoking easily, but it has been poisoned before knocking it out, so Ash quickly gives him a Pecha Berry to heal itself.

"I was beaten?" The Ace trainer is surprised as we continue moving on.

The second trainer is a Tamer named Cole, he says, "Your Pokemon will cower at the crack of my whip."

"I will like to see you try." I say as he sends out Nidorino, and Misty says, "It is a Poison Type...not the usual Ground Type..."

"I know, but it evolves into a ground type, so it is understandable." Then I send out his Slowbro, using the Amnesia, it manages to raise its defense, and then it knocks out the Nidorino with the Psychic attack. Tamer Cole has a second Pokemon and it is Rhyhorn, so I continue to use Slowbro and this time it defeats the Pokemon with the Water Pulse.

The third trainer is an Ace Trainer named Kelly, and she says, "A truly strong trainer wins with style." Then she sends out Nidoqueen, and I use Rhydon again as it uses the same tactic to defeat Nidoqueen. "I lost my grip!"

"It is a good thing that I have more of the Pecha Berries, and I also stock some Full Heals as well." I smile.

"But we should use it wisely." Serena says. "You don't want to use up every one of them."

The fourth trainer is another Ace Trainer, he says, "Heh! You must be running out of my steam by now!"

"Really?" He sends out Dugtrio, and I send out Vileplume to battle since it is my only Grass Type Pokemon in hand. Dugtrio tries to use Fissure, but I'm relieved that it missed and Vileplume manages to use Solar Beam to knock out the Pokemon. And the second Pokemon is also a Rhyhorn, who was defeated by the Grass Whistle and the Energy Ball. "I ran out of gas!"

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