Chapter 23

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When we are waiting for our Pokemon to be healed, Mom is now handling the Celadon City Gym's fire with the police. And that also means we would have to wait for another time to raid the Rocket base.

And while we are exploring, we heard a commotion, and we heard a girl's voice, "Hurry, hurry! Step right up! This is the biggest item sale ever!"

We notice that a girl is trying to sell some items, and Mom, as the leader of the International Police and the Team Alpha member, walks towards her and says, "Excuse me."

She shows the police badge and says, "Do you have a license for selling things?"

The girl gasps in surprise before she tries to run, we try to chase after her, but just as she was at the river side, she throws a Pokeball. "Go!"

The Pokemon turns out to be a Wartortle, and she jumps onto it and says, "Sorry, but you can't catch me."

"What's going on? Why would she run?" Misty asks.

"There is nothing to worry about the police if you haven't done anything wrong." My Mom replies while throwing a Pokeball. "Snorlax! Use Splash!"

When Mom's Snorlax splashes into the water, the girl is now bounced back to the shore with her Wartortle. "Who left a mattress in the middle of the river?" She mutters before noticing the Snorlax.

"Now you owe me some answers." My mom says in a slightly cold voice, but much to my surprise, she suddenly gasps, "You're Ash Ketchum, right? I want to meet you!"

And when she suddenly gives me a hug, it causes surprise to some of us, while Yellow and Serena, I can feel that they are burning with anger.

"Did I know you?" I ask, "How did you even know my name?"

"You were the person who saved the Viridian Pokemon Center from Team Rocket! I was so happy to meet you." The girl says.

"Okay..." I say, "But can you just let me go?"

"Sorry, I've been such a bad girl... and I'm about to get worse!" Just then, she pushes me to the ground and yells, "Wartortle! Bubble Beam!"

I realize what she's doing and quickly use Agility to dodge the attack. She is now shocked and I smirk, "Didn't think I'd see that coming? You better think twice before trying to outsmart me. Pikachu! Iron Tail!"

Pikachu tries to attack the Wartortle with the Iron Tail, eventually knocking out the girl with the Wartortle. Serena rushes to me and asks, "Ash, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I say while my Mom is already looking at her Rotom Phone. "So this girl is named Leaf. And she has a Wartortle."

"What are we going to do with her?" Brock asks.

Aurora looks closer at her face and says, "You know, this girl right here has a similar face to the thief who stole Professor Oak's Squirtle the other day..." But when my Mom decides to check her aura, she gasps as she kneels to the ground.

"Mom? What's the matter?" I ask with shock.

"This girl here... she reminds me of myself when I was little." My Mom says, and we all gasp in shock. Then we also heard someone approaching as we hide behind the tree. Two Team Rocket grunts are passing by.

"We come so close to catching her..." "And once we get too close, it's "Leaf was just here!"

We are surprised that Team Rocket is also searching for this girl. "So what are we going to do now?" Insey asks.

"We bring this girl with us, and we're going to raid the base." Aurora says, and we nod. Insey and Yellow volunteers to watch over the girl, while we all head into the Game Corner.

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