Chapter 14

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When we head to the Pokemon Center, we see some trainers hurrying into the Pokemon Center. I notice that one of the trainer's Rattata is in rough shape.

"Oh, it's the fifteen one brought in this month." Nurse Joy says with a tired tone.

"15?" Insey is confused, and Nurse Joy says, "They all lost to Lt. Surge. The Vermilion Gym Leader."

"They probably underestimated him and that's why they lose so badly." I shake my head. "After all, Lt. Surge is not a person who will hold back in battle."

"So you know Surge?" Brock asks.

"Lt. Surge is one of the Gym Leaders handpicked by our Dad." Insey says. "He was from an army in the Unova Region, and a strict commanding officer as well. He specializes in Electric Type, and he has a powerful Raichu."

"Indeed, his Raichu is strong enough to beat all of the trainers' Pokemon like this." I say after looking at the wards.

"Then how are you going to win against him?" Yellow asks with concern.

Nurse Joy notices the Pikachu and says, "A while ago, I just happened to across this."

We turn to see a Thunder Stone, and I say, "A Thunder Stone? You mean I should evolve Pikachu into Raichu?"

"But be cautious that if we use this, then Pikachu will not be the same as well..." Nurse Joy adds.

I turn to Pikachu and asks, "So Pikachu, "What do you think?"

"To be honest, after seeing those Pokemon lying on beds, I feel a little scared trying to battle the guy. But-" Then suddenly, Pikachu slaps the Thunder Stone to the ground.

"I don't need to evolve. I will show that I can beat a Raichu just as I am! I will show him who is the boss!"

We smile as I say, "That's great, Pikachu. Together, we'll beat Lt. Surge with no problem."

Then we decide to head to the gym, and I have Farfetch'd use Cut to open the way for us to get to the gym. Inside the gym, they find that the place is full of trash cans and an electric trap in front of them.

"Oh boy...this gym sure is different than the ones we have seen..." Yellow mutters.

"I agree." Insey says as they see the Guide. "I've been waiting for you, champ in the making. Lt. Surge is the Gym Leader in this city. He's an expert on Electric Type Pokemon and a real tough guy."

"I can tell, I know him personally." Ash says.

"Flying and Water type Pokemon don't do well matched up against Electric Types, you'll also want to watch out so your Pokemon don't get stuck paralyzed." The guide says. "And here is my last tip. Lt. Surge is the cautious type. He's put barriers between himself and the rest of this room, so it won't be easy to get to him."

As they walk forward, they are stopped by Sailor Dwayne as he says, "This is no place for kids! Not even if you're good at Pokemon!"

"Well, we have been looked down on." I mutter as the sailor sends out two Pikachu. I send out Sandshrew and Oddish to battle. Both Pikachu is taunting my Pokemon as Pikachu is feeling a little irritated by them. But in the end, with the Sleep Powder and the Dig Attack, the two Pikachu are defeated.

"Wow, you surprised me." Then the sailor lets them go as I am stopped by an engineer named Baily. "I am lightweight, but I am good at electricity, that is why I joined this gym."

Then he sends out Voltorb and Magnemite. I decide to use Sandshrew and this time he also sends out Charla. It is surprising to me that the Voltorb uses Self-Destruct, but it is able to half both Ash's Pokemon's HP. In the end, with the Flamethrower Magnemite is also down.

1.Ash's Story (Part 1: Kanto)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz