Chapter 51 (Final)

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When we leave the Seafoam Islands, we finally find the white-haired boy named Noah. He says, "Hello guys, Ash. I heard you have beaten the other 3 members. You are fast since I beat them this year as well."

"I know, but it doesn't matter who goes first, right? What matters is that you are an Elite 4 member and I am challenging you to a battle." I say.

When we go to the battlefield, it is a normal battlefield without any decorations.

Noah takes out his first Pokemon, which is a Raticate. I use Hitmonlee as my first Pokemon.

"Use Quick Attack!" Noah commands, and Raticate manages to hit Hitmonlee. I decide to have Hitmonlee use Meditate, boosting the Attack stat. Then it goes for Hyper Fang, which is blocked by Hitmonlee's Jump Kick.

"Finish it with Hyper Beam!" I yell, and the attack causes Raticate to fall to the ground fainted. I was considering switching Pokemon because there is the recharge turn, but when it goes for Tauros, I decide against it.

After being hit by the Horn Attack, I yell, "High Jump Kick!"

"Dodge it!" Much to my shock, Hitmonlee misses the attack and crashes to the ground, and it just faints like that.

"Hitmonlee was defeated because of the missed High Jump Kick?" Yellow asks with shock.

"That sure is painful." Brock adds.

I call Aerodactyl next, and Tauros is going for Pursuit. I have it use Rock Tomb, lowering its speed and dealing damage.

"Use Stomp!" Noah tries to have Tauros flinch Aerodactyl, but Aerodactyl dodges the attack and goes for Ancient Power, defeating the Bull Pokemon.

Snorlax is the next one, and knowing how tough this Pokemon is, I decide to switch out.

"Dragonite! I choose you!" I decide to go with Dragonite since it is his first battle after evolving.

Snorlax goes for Mega Punch, but Dragonite dodges and goes for Dragon Rage, dealing 40 damage.

"Use Body Slam!" I grit my teeth after seeing Dragonite paralyzed by the attack, I have it use Aqua Tail, which also deals a lot of damage.

"Hyper Beam!" I yell, and Noah says, "Giga Impact!"

Both moves deal a lot of damage and eventually knock out both of the Pokemon at the same time. Serena says, "A tie..."

"Yeah, this is surprising." Brock adds.

Noah's fourth Pokemon is Persian, And Meowsie decide to be the one battling. Both cats are having a very hard catfight, like using Scratch or Play Rough on each other.

"I really don't know why cats fight like that?" Misty asks.

"Beats me." Serena says. And in the end, Ash's Persian wins.

"You are good, I have to admit. My next Pokemon is the one I meet in the Game Corner. Go! Porygon!"

When the Pokemon appears, I say, "A Porygon... if that's the case, Venusaur! I choose you!"

When I send out the Pokemon, Porygon immediately goes for Sharpen to boost the attack. Then it goes for Tackle, causing Venusaur to groan in pain.

"Venusaur! Use Poison Powder!" I try to poison Porygon, but Porygon goes for Conversion, which turns into the same type as Venusaur, making the attack useless. I try to use Solar Beam, but Porygon use Conversion 2 this time and changes the Porygon into a Fire Type.

"That Conversion and Conversion 2 sure is something." Misty says.

"Yeah, one keeps changing the type equal to the opponent, and one keeps changing the type resistant to the move that is last used by the opponent. Only Porygon and its evolution line can learn it." Serena says.

1.Ash's Story (Part 1: Kanto)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant