Chapter 11

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We are now wandering through Route 25, and Insey captured her own Oddish and Bellsprout, she's also delighted to have two new Grass Types to the team.

Misty says, "Hey, Ash, Serena, I wonder why a lot of Pokemon really like you? Since you don't need to battle some of them and they are willing to join your team."

"Well, bonding with Pokemon not exactly needs to battle. But we can also battle capture some Pokemon as well." Serena says.

"Yeah, although there aren't any new Pokemon in Route 25. So I guess the only place for us to go is the Sea Cottage." I say.

When we enter the house, we find a lot of machines and also books around the area. But we haven't seen where Bill is.

"Ash! Look!" Pikachu's voice causes us to turn around, and we find a Nidorino walking toward us. And then it stands up, which shocks us.

"Hiya! I'm a Pokémon... ...No- I mean... I'm Bill! Call me Bill! I'm a true-blue Pokémaniac!" The Nidorino yells.

"Really? You're Bill?" Yellow asks.

"Hey! What's with that skeptical look? I'm not joshing you, guys. I screwed up an experiment and got combined with a Pokémon! So, how about it? Help me out there!" Bill yells.

"Okay, how do we help?" Serena asks.

"I'm gonna climb inside the teleporter, so you run the Cell Separation System for me! You can do it from that PC over there!"

"Got it." I say as I rush towards the PC. Bill asks, "You're gonna do it for me, right? Don't leave me hanging! I'm counting on you, pal!"

When I press some buttons, the Nidorino just runs into the teleporter. "Don't mess this up, OK?"

"I won't. You can trust me." I say as I manage to press the start button. Then we see the machine glowing. Just then, the machine creates a lot of smoke, causing all of us to cough, I turn right to find a Nidorino running away.

After the smoke clears, a man appears and waves his hands to us. "Yee-haw! Thanks, bud! I owe you one! So, did you come to see my Pokémon collection?"

"Well, not really. But it will be cool if we see some." Insey says. "We're here because we heard from our mother that you have the tickets to S.S Anne."

"Oh, well, I've got to thank you after all..." Bill then takes out 6 tickets for all of us. He adds, "That cruise ship S. is in Vermilion City. I hear there are lots of Trainers on board, too. They invited me to their party, but I can't stand fancy do's. Go and have a good time."

"Thanks a lot, Bill." I say. "But by the way, why did you create such a machine in the first place?"

"Getting inside the Pokemon's body helps me get inside his head, there are many kinds of Pokemon, and I want to understand how they live. Of course, I can just put on a costume, but there is something not right about it."

"I can tell." Serena says.

"You're lucky to become Pokemon trainers. Your goal is to catch all of the different kinds of Pokemon, but there are a number of 1010 Pokemon and that also doesn't include the forms. Some of the Pokemon only appear in rumors, so we need to keep searching."

"Wow..." Yellow says.

"And if you don't know, there is something that has been rumored... a Legendary Pokemon disguising itself as a human and becoming a trainer, and I always wanted to meet one."

Ash, Serena, and Insey are sweating and Misty asks, "If legendary can disguise as humans, how do we differentiate them?"

"That is what I am researching, since if it is a high-level legendary, the only to do it is to let it trust you, when the time comes, it will tell you." Bill replies. "I also heard that some trainers who are traveling in Kanto are Legendary Pokemon, and Arceus indeed."

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