Chapter 31

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We continue to find the missing Pallet Town residents, we eventually find Professor Oak tied up. "Gramps!" Gary rushes towards him and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Never mind me... the town's people need you! They're on the floor above us!" Professor Oak says.

"But why would they kidnap Pallet Town residents?" Insey asks.

"The people of Pallet Town have an understanding of the feelings of Pokemon. Those people were trying to use that feeling!" Professor Oak says, "That also reminds me, Ash. Before I was kidnapped, I have something that I should give to you."

He gives me a Pokeball and I ask, "What is this?"

"This is a Pokemon known as Lapras." Professor Oak says. "Nurse Joy gave it to me because it has a hard time trusting humans. So I think a Pokemon like you might be able to understand her feelings."

This poor Pokemon...I wonder what's going on with her. We decide to accept the Pokemon and also climb to save the other residents.

Lapras: The Transport Pokemon: Water and Ice Type. A Pokémon that has been overhunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across the water.

Gary and Aurora decide to stay and bring the Pallet Town people out of the place with the International Police, and we also learned that the reason why Team Rocket takes over the building is that they're after an item known as the Master Ball.

We enter the elevator and using more teleportation pads, we are stopped by Archer again.

Serena groans and says, "You again?!"

"Me again. As many times as it takes. I will not let you reach the boss!" Archer says.

"Huh? What was that? So Giovanni really is in this company?" Insey asks, and Archer covers his mouth as he accidentally slips the secret.

"So the boss of Team Rocket is right here in this building! That sure makes things easier, then!" Misty says. "Ash, Serena, you guys go ahead, we'll take care of this man over here."

"Okay. I know you can win." Then the two of us step into the teleportation pad as we finally arrive at the 11th floor, which is the final floor and we see Giovanni talking to the president of the Silph Co. But before we can go there, they see the trio approaching them.

"Hold it right there, twerp!" Jessie says.

"Our boss is in a meeting! You better not disturb him!" James says.

"Damn it, and we are so close..." I mutter.

"Ash, you go right up ahead, I'll deal with them." Serena says.

"Okay." I say as I leave the battle to Serena, who uses Venusaur and Mr. Mime to battle them.

"Now, now, Mr. President. I hope you're not thinking of lying to me. The Master Ball... You successfully created one, didn't you!" Giovanni says to the president, who replies, "Do you think it is that easy to make? And now that I know who you really are, there is no way I want to make a thing like that...Not for someone like you!"

"How dare you!" Giovanni's anger starts to rise.

"And give up any thought of forcing us to create lots of powerful Pokemon for you!" The president says, "Using stolen research to create Pokemon...That's not something Silph should ever do!"

"We had a deal! You agreed to this! ...You're a smart man. I'm sure you can imagine what will happen to your people if you say no to me now." Giovanni says.

"Stop this at once, Giovanni!" I yell as Giovanni turns around, he says, "Ah. Young Ash. So we meet again! The president of Silph and I are discussing a vital business proposition."

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