Chapter 44

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Because of my achievements, the people in Pallet Town are holding a party for my win in the Pokemon League. Every one of my friends has come to celebrate with us. But Team Rocket tries to sneak into our party, but they eventually realize they're in a big mistake. Most of the people here are members of Team Alpha, and they are not tolerating any Team Rocket members interrupting the party.

I say, "Charizard! Charla! Don't let them get away!" When Team Rocket is trying to throw the bombs, we have both of them repel the bombs that they're throwing and send them blasting off again.

"So are they dead?" When my brother Trenor asks me, I say, "I wish, they always come back to annoy us no matter how many times we did that to them."

"They also interrupted the League, right? We saw how your match was forced to stop because of them." One of my friends says to me.

"Knowing Giovanni, he wouldn't be stupid enough to send Team Rocket to attack us. I have to guess that those three are usually the clowns of the group who usually disobey the orders." Another man says to me.

After the party is over, Professor Oak says, "You know, I was wondering if you can do a favor for me?"

"What will it be?" I ask.

"If you're battling the Elite Four, Lorelei will be the perfect first choice, and her place is on the Four Island on Sevii Islands. In the Sevii Islands, I also want you to visit the One Island and meet up with Professor Ivy, she has a Pokeball that can't be transferred here so I want you to bring me here."

"A mysterious Pokeball... so how are we going to the Sevii Islands?" I ask.

"Do you remember back at Route 25, there is a researcher named Bill?" Oak asks.

"You mean...he can get us there?" Serena asks with hope, and Professor Oak laughs, "Why of course. Let me contact him."

After talking to Bill for a while, he agrees to take the six of us there as he wants them to meet him on Cinnabar Island. Once we get there, he says, "Long time no see! I hope you're still using my PC system. Well, listen, since we met up here, how about spending time with me? There's this little island in the far south called One Island. A friend invited me, so I'm on my way out there. How about it? Do you feel like coming with me?"

"Sure, that's what we are here for. Professor Oak should have told you, right?"

"All right, then. Let's go!" Bill says as they notice the boat in front of them. "Looks like my pal's boat arrived, too. He sent it especially here to Cinnabar to pick me up."

As we go on the ferry, we manage to reach One Island.

"Here we are! This is One Island. There are several islands around here, and this is one of them. My friend Celio sent the boat to fetch me here. He's in charge of the island's PC network by his lonesome. ...Why am I telling you this now? Let's just go see Celio!"

Looks like we're not meeting Professor Ivy yet. But we didn't mind as we visit the Pokemon Network Center first. Bill says, "Hey, there! Celio!"

The person known as Celio looks at Bill and he says, "Bill! I can't believe you came out here."

"Well, absolutely! How's your research coming along? ...Oh, wait a sec. Guys, this is my buddy, Celio. He's one dedicated PC Maniac! Celio, this is Ash, who is the winner of the Pokemon League a week ago, and his travel companions Misty, Yellow, Serena, Insey, and Brock."

"That's really impressive. I hate to say it, but I have zero aptitude for battling. Anyways, I'm glad to meet you." Celio says as he shakes hands with us.

"It's nice to meet you too." I say and we all greet him.

"So, bring me up to speed. How's your machine running?" Bill says.

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