Chapter 8

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"Hey! Wait a minute!" Just as we continue to move forward, Misty is trying to stop us. "If you really want a badge, can you just go to Vermilion City instead? It is much nice and cooler than the Cerulean City Gym."

Insey says, "Sorry, Cerulean City comes first, and aren't you the Gym Leader of Cerulean City? Are you that scared of facing my brother in a gym battle?"

"What? Of course not!" Misty huffs. "I can beat a novice trainer like Ash with no problem."

I roll my eyes and say, "Oh yeah? Then why don't you prove it to me at your own gym? Let's go, guys."

Yellow, Serena, Insey, and Brock nod before coming with me, and Misty just groans.

When we arrive at Cerulean City, we find the place really nice, and Yellow says, "Um... Ash? I think Misty is not with us."

"She didn't really want to come to Cerulean City, did she? Oh well, there are still the substitute gym leaders that you can battle to get the badge, Ash." Brock says.

Just then, we notice a crowd surrounding a building. We decide to check out what's going on. I decide to ask a passerby. "Excuse me, do you know what happened here?"

"There's a bulgur who broke into the store last night." The man replies, and at the same time, Officer Jenny arrives and says, "You guys look very suspicious to me..."

Insey says, "Sorry, Officer Jenny. We just came to this city a few minutes ago, our Rotom Phones have GPS data and you can check it out."

After checking our Rotom Phones, she says, "Very well. I'm sorry for accusing you."

"And by the way, do you have the honor of having dinner with me?" We look at Brock with weird expressions, and fortunately, she refuses because she has duty work to do.

"So what did the bulgurs steal from this building?" Yellow asks, and the officer replies, "And that's why it's strange. They didn't take any money, just a massive vacuum, and a giant hose."

Then after we leave, Serena asks, "Ash, do you think Team Rocket did those things? I mean... they seemed to be the type of people who would steal those items."

"You might be right, but we don't know until they show up once again. But first, we should go to the gym and get my second Gym badge." I say.

"Well, I have some stuff that I need to check out." Brock says.

"What stuff?" Insey asks.

"Just stuff. See you later." Then Brock leaves, and now it is only me and three girls. I say, "Looks like it's only us. Let's just go."

When we enter the gym, the same Gym Guide is there and he says, "Yo, Champ in the making! Misty, the gym leader of the Cerulean City gym, is a powerful trainer! You can drain all their water with Grass-type Pokémon! Or, you might use Electric-type Pokémon and zap them!"

Serena says, "But isn't Misty refusing to come back to Cerulean City? I wonder why is that..."

After we open the door, we find ourselves in the audience seat with a lot of people in their seats. And just then, we notice three people on a diving board and they are performing.

Serena gasps, "The Sensational Sisters! And to think there is a performance going on!"

I say, "You're right. I wonder if they are the substitute Gym Leaders that Misty has asked."

Insey says, "Or maybe they are the Gym trainers. But first, we should watch the show and wait until they're finished."

We nod as we watch the performance, I know that Serena is actually quite fond of these kinds of performances, and after we're finished, we decide to go backstage and find the sensational sisters.

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