Chapter 35

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We finally arrive at Seafoam Islands, and after we decide to take a rest, we decide to capture some Pokemon. We notice a Pokemon that catches our eye: A Slowpoke.

"A Slowpoke... you know, a lot of trainers have complained to Professor Oak that despite Slowpoke becoming Level 37, it still doesn't evolve. But if you have a Shellder then it is a different story." I say.

Pikachu tries to talk to Slowpoke, but Slowpoke doesn't seem to say something. And then Misty's Psyduck tries to talk to Slowpoke, and the only things they say are Hello in a slow tone, and they are repeating the same words. When a Krabby comes and pinches the tail, Slowpoke doesn't seem to have any reaction, but for Psyduck, it takes a long time before it starts yelling in pain.

"I guess it takes quite a while for Psyduck to feel pain..." Misty mutters.

Slowpoke also seems to be having its tail in the water while fishing, and Yellow asks, "So what does a Slowbro look like?"

I show her the dex, and she says, "So you're saying that the shell with eyes on the tail is a Shellder? But it looks spiral..."

"Yeah... Most of the Professors are trying to figure out why it attaches to the tail." I say.

Much to our annoyance, Team Rocket appears once more and they even get a Shellder of their own, they are trying to force Slowpoke to evolve and then capture it. When Shellder notices Slowpoke, Slowpoke starts to run.

"Wow... now it's not a Slowpoke..." Insey says.

"This is not the time to say something like this! We have to help the Slowpoke!" Then we try to stop the Shellder, but Psyduck appears once more and they try to start a meaningless conversation again. But the Shellder bites Psyduck's tail, and Yellow asks, "Is that supposed to do something?"

"Nothing. Psyduck evolves into Golduck at Level 33." I say, and the Psyduck is now running in pain, then James uses Weezing and it keeps attacking Psyduck's head, what a stupid move, now that Psyduck has a headache, it goes for Confusion and sends Team Rocket into the sea. But much to our surprise, the Shellder then bites the Slowpoke's tail.

"No way..." We gasp as the Slowpoke starts to evolve into a Slowbro. But much to our surprise, Team Rocket already swims back to the shore and is about to grab the Slowbro, but Slowbro just uses a Mega Punch, and this time they are sent flying for real.

"Wow... I didn't know it can use Mega Punch..." Insey says.

"So why does Shellder bites on Slowpoke's tail?" Yellow asks.

"Because it is mutually beneficial. Shellder helps Slowbro balance when it stands on two feet, that way he can use Mega Punch, and Shellder gains land transportation on Slowpoke's tail."

"Wow... that makes sense." Misty says.

And then we capture the Slowbro and now it is one of our teammates.

Slowpoke: The Dopey Pokemon: Water and Psychic Type. Incredibly slow and dopey. It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain when under attack.

Slowbro: The Hermit Crab Pokemon: Water and Psychic Type. Evolved from Slowpoke at LV:37. The Shellder that is latched onto Slowpoke's tail is said to feed on the host's leftover scraps.

When we enter the Seafoam Islands' cave, it starts to get cold and Serena says, "This place is a little freezing..."

"There are a lot of Ice Type Pokemon living here, that's why." I say. And we manage to find a Dewgong while walking around the cave. With the help of Hitmonchan, it uses Thunder Punch to paralyze the Pokemon, and eventually Serena captures it.

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