Club Damen

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Bobbi stood across the street, staring hard at the front door of the nightclub. Chewing on her thumbnail, she paced back and forth as she surveyed the line of people waiting to enter.

The que ran down the left side of the black building and around the corner. Every single one of the females in it looked exactly the same. Curled, bouffant hair, thick black fake eyelashes, stiletto heels, and outfits that showed too much and covered too little.

Continuing to pace, she pulled the strings on her black hoodie, trying to hide who she was. It looked like Burney was the designated bouncer tonight. At least he didn't give her too much shit when she showed up here. Taking a deep breath, she walked in between traffic towards the neon sign announcing her half-brothers name to the world.

Club Damen was the hottest nightclub in the city. Whenever Bobbi heard others speaking about it, she would always change the name privately in her head, to Club Demon. He had opened this nightclub not long after their parents had passed away. Technically, they had the same mother, but his father was her stepfather, and she didn't let him forget it.

Striding up to Burney, Bobbi stopped in front of him, nudging him with the toe of her worn out sneaker. Burney gazed down on her, roughly grabbing her chin in his hand, forcing her to look up at him.

"Jesus Bobbi! You look like shit!" he informed her, while taking in her appearance. Lifting the velvet rope from its comfortable place holder, he motioned with his head. "Well, get inside. He's upstairs like usual."

Never saying a word, she walked through the dark double doors, listening to the sleazy women in line complain about her being let in before them.

The flashing lights and loud music was enough to elicit an epileptic seizure. From the sound of it, tonight's band was heavy metal, perfect for how she was feeling. Towards the right of her, in the middle of the nightclub, was a spiral metal staircase with two burly bouncers standing at the bottom of it. Each one had on a white button up shirt with the cuffs rolled up. Their black slacks and black shoes made them look ominous.

Bobbi recognized both of them. The one on the right was more muscle than brains. Jack was very intimidating, but Bobbi knew better. On the left however, stood Riggs, a family friend since birth. His parents had worked for hers nearly their entire adult life. Riggs was born on the family compound and grew up playing with her and Damon. He wasn't just another employee here. He was family.

"Shit, shit, shit," Bobbi said out loud, knowing he was one of the last people she wanted to see. Mustering up all the courage she could, she walked over towards the two hulking men.

"My God Bug, you look like you haven't eaten or showered in months! What have you been up to?" Riggs asked her. He grabbed ahold of her upper arm and pulled her hood down so he could get a better look.

Bobbi knew this was what was coming her way. She was keenly aware of what his inspection was telling him, too. Her petite 5'4'' frame was undernourished and unkept. Looking down at her oversize jeans, she could see the dirt from nights of sleeping on the streets. There were stains from all kinds of disgusting things on her pants and hoodie.

Looking up into his eyes, she gave him a huff of dissent. "Can I please just go up Riggs? I don't need this right now."

Giving her one last examination, he mumbled out a quick, "Follow me."

Walking up the metal steps, Bobbi pondered on how big Rigg's feet were. She guessed that if she were to hold her foot up to his, she would be a quarter of his size. Getting lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when they had come to the top and he stopped in front of her. She crashed into him, realizing she barely scaled the small of his back.

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