The Good and The Bad

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The first thing Vern noticed when she opened her eyes, was Bobbi still lying asleep in her lap. The second thing was the room around her was filled with sleeping men. Damen was stretched out on the end of the bed. Riggs was sitting on the floor with his head and arms laying on the side of the mattress. Oliver had managed to crawl into bed next to Bobbi, allowing her legs to drape over his lap. Rodger was asleep in the pink bean bag chair that he had pulled over close to the bed. Vern smiled at the amount of love these men had for Bobbi. She felt a warmth growing in her chest as she closed her eyes once again, allowing sleep to find its way back to her.

"Auntie Ronica, Auntie Ronica." Vern awoke once again to Bobbi's little hands pushing against her shoulders. "Auntie Ronica, you awake?" Bobbi continued to whisper.

Vern kept her eyes closed but offered up a smile to Bobbi. Once her mind and thoughts caught up to each other, she realized she was just blessed with a new moniker. She took a moment to soak it in before responding. "What's wrong, Baby?" she whispered back.

"I scared," Bobbi told her.

Vern began running her fingers across Bobbi's scalp, trying to calm her down. "Why are you scared?"

"It's too dark."

"Can you see me right now?" Vern whispered to her.


"What is my mouth doing?" Vern asked.

"Auntie Ronica is smiling," Bobbi told her.

"That's right little one. If you can see Auntie's smile, then it's not too dark. Now go back to sleep." She began humming another lullaby as she pressed Bobbi's head back down to her lap.

"I hungry," Bobbi whispered instead of sleeping.

"Now you're hungry? I thought you were scared."

"No. Now I hungry," Bobbi reiterated.

Finally opening her eyes, Vern was met with a very smiley Bobbi. "Alright, Auntie will take you down to the kitchen, but we have to be very quiet. See all the boys sleeping around us? We don't want to wake them up."

Bobbi looked around for the first time to see all her favorite men sleeping close to her. She turned around and nodded silently, not wanting to wake anyone.

Vern slowly and silently led Bobbi off the bed and out of the room. As they descended the stairs, they could tell the house was completely empty. All the staff had gone home for the night. Finding their way into the kitchen, Vern found the light switch and pressed against it. She quickly saw the sign letting her know Bobbi was not allowed in this room. She stuck her tongue out at it, eliciting a giggle from Bobbi herself. Bobbi quickly followed suit, sticking her own tongue out at the signage.

Vern saw what she did and reached over to tickle Bobbi's side. "Don't tell your Daddies I did that."

"I won't," Bobbi promised.

Opening the fridge, Vern began pulling out leftovers from dinner. She realized that neither her nor Bobbi had eaten. Dish after dish she set on the counter, her tummy rumbling at each one. When she was finally finished, she began to open all the containers so they could see what was inside. "Bobbi, come here," Vern beckoned, pulling a stool up to the counter so Bobbi could see. "Tell me what you want."

Bobbi Pointed at different dishes, allowing Vern to begin preparing her plate. Before sticking it in the microwave, Vern took a moment to inspect what Bobbi had picked out. "You know what Little One, there's no protein on this plate. How about we give you some meat?"

"No," Bobbi said forcefully. "I don't want any."

"But don't you want to grow up big and strong?" Vern asked.

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