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It had been a few days since Riggs had taken his baby girl to see the ducklings. After going over all the rules and having a hard discussion about where she was calling home now, he was pleased to see Bobbi fall deeply into her head space. By all accounts, he would guess she was comfortable between the ages of two and four. It made him so happy to see her enjoying her second childhood.

This morning he was sitting at the small dining table, drinking a warm mug of coffee, and reading over some information that Damen had sent him on the iPad. His phone began to vibrate on the table as he looked over the plans. He quickly glanced over at Bobbi, who was content with building some type of castle with the blocks her brother had brought for her.

Riggs: Hey. What's up?

Damen: Did you have a chance to look over what I sent you?

Riggs: Yeah. There are a few names on there I don't like, but you already knew that.

Damen: I know, but we need them in the meeting. It's important.

Riggs: I'll agree to it under one condition. We have our own guards on them the entire time. Not THEIRS. Ours, Damen.

Damen: Agreed. I was already thinking the same thing. How is she doing?

Riggs: Content at the moment. She is playing with the toys you brought her. I think she's solidly in her head space now. Did you know her panic attacks are back?

Damen: Shit! I didn't know that. How bad are they?

Riggs: Bad, like black-out, bad. It's been a couple days though, so hopefully what I'm doing is helping.

Damen: Well, keep me updated. I'll be there next week for a visit. And Riggs, thanks again for... well, everything.

Hanging up the phone, Riggs quietly watched as Bobbi began lining her dolls and horses up at their new castle. Checking the weather, he could see today was going to be a pretty decent one, as far as the sun was concerned. Snow was forecasted to head their way in the next couple of days. It would be nice to get some fresh air while they had the chance.

Drinking the last of his coffee, he washed out his mug before sitting down next to Bobbi on the floor. "What do we have here? Are the Princesses waiting for their Prince's?" he asked her.

Bobbi began laughing at him as she maneuvered her dolls inside the castle walls. "Silly Daddy! The Princesses don't want a Prince. They want a Daddy!"

"Oh! A Daddy is what they need? Do you think they can find one outside? Would the Princesses like to play out on the grass? Maybe you and Daddy can pick some beautiful flowers for them," he suggested.

Clapping her hands together, she began cheering her delight. "Yes! I want to go outside to play!"

"Okay!" he laughed at her. "Let's go change you into some warm clothes, shall we?" He lifted her up off the floor and carried her to the bed. Immediately Bobbi began crying, trying to remove herself from the mattress.

"What? What is it Bug? Did Daddy accidently hurt you?" He was taken aback at how quickly the tears began coming.

Reaching out towards the floor where her toys were strewn about, she made grabby hands and cried out, "Panda! I need Panda!"

Her panicked screeching caused Rigg's heart to speed up. He ran over to grab Mr. Panda off the wood floor. "Here you go, Baby Girl. There's no need to continue on any longer. Daddy got Mr. Panda for you."

He watched her as she held her stuffie to her face, burying her tears in its stomach. Making quick work of changing her messy diaper, he layered her in an undershirt, with a brown teddy bear pullover, some thermal leggings, and a pair of sherpa lined boots. He grabbed a blanket from the back of the sofa, then led her outside to sit in the warm sun.

Unwanted DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now