On Our Way

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Two days had passed since Bobbi had agreed to go to the hospital. Once the decision was made, the men did everything in their power to ensure the only thing she needed to worry about was focusing on her health.

Vern had flown back home Sunday evening. She promised Bobbi that she and Andy would video call her while she was in the hospital. Bobbi was actually excited to meet Andy. Vern was such a good mommy; Bobbi was convinced that Andy must be someone just as special. She had spent the last two days reminding the boys about the call.

Damen had been successful at keeping the health issues and the trip to the hospital under wraps. He had made alternate plans for the family to vacation in Hawaii for a few days. One of the bartenders at the club was the recipient of a first class, all-expense paid vacation, courtesy of Damen. If anyone came looking for him or his sister, they would instead find a very sweet girl living the high life with her boyfriend on the beaches of Kauai.

"Bobbi, are you sure you have everything you need?" Oliver asked once again as he checked their luggage.

"Yes, Papa. I have Mr. Panda and my blankie. What else would I need?" she asked.

Oliver took one last look before handing over the luggage to the pilot. "Okay, Baby. If you're sure, then I'm giving the okay."

Riggs patted him on the back before lifting Bobbi up into the helicopter. "If she forgets something, we can buy it there. Stop worrying so much, Papa," he teased Oliver.

Damen and Rodger walked up the pathway to the helicopter pad with their bags in hand. With all five going, every seat in the chopper was filled. Damen had booked a suite at the hotel adjacent to the hospital for Rodger to sleep in. The two men had grown very close to each other over the last few weeks. Damen didn't want Rodger too far away from him at any given time.

"Are we all ready to go?" he asked as he climbed into the front seat. He turned to look at his sister, who was holding tight to Mr. Panda. "Ready, Sis?" Bobbi nodded her worried head at him.

Seeing the expression on her face made Damen laugh. "Don't worry so much, Bug. We're not traveling the entire way there in this. I've got a special surprise for you."

After the helicopter lifted off the ground and was successfully on its way, Bobbi felt like she could finally take a breath. Riggs laid a reassuring hand on her leg, knowing how she felt about the take offs and landings. The pilot tried to ease her stress by pointing out different lakes or buildings they passed over. She appreciated him doing so. His constant chatter helped ease her concerns.

"We're here," Damen announced to the cabin.

Bobbi looked out the window expecting to see the hospital. What she saw instead was a small airport. "Where are we?" she asked her brother.

"This is the surprise, Bug. We are traveling the rest of the way there in a plane," he explained.

Riggs could see the question in her face. "We are far away from Arizona, Baby. It takes hours to get there. We can't fly all the way in the helicopter, so we have to go by plane."

As soon as the blades stopped twirling, everyone exited the helicopter and made their way over to a private plane that was awaiting them. Bobbi continued to look around her, so much so, that Riggs had to steer her where she needed to go. Once inside, she was taken to a small cream colored leather loveseat that sat along one of the walls of the plane. Next to her was a mahogany bar, fully stocked with liquor and beer. There were leather swivel chairs that matched the sofa she sat on.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to a door in the rear of the jet.

"That's a bedroom," Riggs told her as he buckled her into her seat.

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