Remember the Rules

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Once again, there is a sex scene marked by a * in this chapter. If you do not want to read that scene, I have placed a * at the beginning and the end. Start where the second * is to avoid reading it.

Oliver laughed at her, but Riggs had a look of something else. Bobbi quickly chewed and swallowed her bite, then set the sandwich back on the plate. Riggs moved towards her with his head slightly bent down. He reminded her of a wolf on the hunt. "What is the rule, Bobbi?"

"N-no princess allowed in the kitchen ever." Her voice was low, nearly a whisper, as Riggs slowly approached her.

"Where are you now?" he asked her.

"In the kitchen." She lowered her head in shame.

The song came to an end, and a different, more even tempos song began to play. Once Riggs was in front of her, he stopped his advancement and turned towards Oliver. "Ollie, I think the Princess needs a lesson in what happens when you break the rules."

There was a private look between Riggs and Oliver that Bobbi was not privy to. Oliver removed himself from the wall and approached them. "Oh, now Riggs, I think the Princess has had a lot thrown at her already tonight. Her poor little behind is already black and blue." He stopped to give her a wicked grin. "I imagine it hurts like hell to sit down on it."

Shocked at what she just witnessed; she stared up at Oliver with her mouth agape. Since when was he as twisted as Riggs? This was not fair! She was supposed to have one daddy that was strict and unbending, and the other was supposed to be soft and malleable. Where did they get off changing the script on her?

Oliver reached out and placed his fingers under her chin to close her mouth. "Don't look so surprised Bobbi. I'm not on the clock. My protection comes with its limits." The look in his eyes told her everything she presumed to know. Riggs corrupted him. That was the only answer that made sense.

*Suddenly there were hands lifting her from under her arms. Riggs attached her to the front of him and squeezed her butt cheeks with his hands. Bobbi cried out in pain. "Ah, poor baby," Riggs pouted. He gave them another squeeze, eliciting another round of loud yelps from the tiny woman in his arms. As he felt around, he realized she had on a pair of thong panties. His finger found its way to the material and wrapped itself around it. He pulled up hard, causing the lining to slip between her folds and enter inside her just a little.

Her lips made an oh, once he pulled the underwear tight. Riggs mimicked her by making an oh face also before a huge smile spread across his cheeks. "You know, Ollie, Doctor Chris did say that she was to eat whenever she was hungry. I think that should go for us also. Don't you agree?"

"What's good for one is good for all," Oliver agreed.

"Exactly." Riggs was practically drooling out his answer. He not-so-gently, placed Bobbi on the counter. She let out a yelp as her bruised bottom hit the cold marble countertop. "You know what's better than watching you take a beating?" he asked her. Bobbi shook her head, scared of what he was about to say. He ran his fingers through her blond hair, pulling some over her shoulder to sit on her breast. "Watching you dance around with my shirt on."

He pulled her legs apart to reveal the front wedgie he had created. "Ollie, are you hungry now?" Riggs asked.

Licking his lips, Oliver answered while looking at what he was presented with. "Starving," he growled.

Bobbi was beginning to feel like she was the meal for this pack of wolves. She stared at Riggs, not knowing what that sadistic mind of his had planned. She could feel when he pulled the underwear out of her and held it to the side. "Go on Ollie, tell me how it tastes."

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