Us Against the World

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"Daddy! Papa!"

Riggs and Oliver were abruptly woken up by Bobbi yelling their names. Riggs grabbed his phone to check the time. "It's 8 o'clock. At least they waited for the sun to come up."

Oliver rolled over and gave Riggs a quick kiss before crawling out of bed. "I got this. You can go back to sleep if you want."

"No, no. I'm getting up," Riggs assured him.

"Daddy! Papa!" Bobbi yelled again.

After slipping their sweats on, Riggs and Oliver stepped into the nursery to see Brit lying next to Bobbi, sucking her thumb. Bobbi was sitting up in bed next to her. "Papa, I'm all wet and I want pancakes!"

Riggs pulled the covers back to see one of the girls had soaked through their nighttime diaper. "Looks like the baby might've had too much to drink before bed last night," he commented. "Let's get you both in the bath, then we'll do pancakes."

After a quick clean up and clothing change, Riggs and Oliver led the girls downstairs for a pancake breakfast. Riggs allowed Oliver and Bobbi to make the pancakes while he fed a bottle to Brit. She was very little this morning, after not coming out of it last night. When Rodger and Damen walked into the kitchen, she seemed to perk right up.

Making grabby hands at Damen, Brit released from the bottle so she could be picked up. Damen happily obliged, taking a seat next to Rodger so he could finish feeding her. "Has she said anything since last night?" he asked.

"Nothing. She's been sucking her thumb, not saying a word. I think someone regressed as far back as she could go," Riggs said while tickling her side. Brit smiled around the nipple in her mouth.

"Good morning!" Vern announced her arrival in the kitchen with Andy by her side, holding onto his mommy's hand.

"Andy!" Bobbi called out, trying to jump down off the counter. Oliver quickly dropped the spatula in his hand to help her down. She ran across the kitchen to give Andy a big hug. "Auntie Ronica! Did you bring me a present?"

"Bobbi!" Riggs scolded. "Auntie doesn't have to bring you a present every time she visits. Now say you're sorry!"

Bobbi turned back around to face Vern. "Sorry, Auntie Ronica. I didn't mean it," she pouted.

Vern picked Bobbi up, attaching her firmly to her hip. "It's okay, Baby. Don't let Daddy make you sad." She leaned in and whispered into Bobbi's ear. "Of course, I brought you a present. It's in my room. I'll give it to you later."

Clapping her hands, Bobbi gave Vern a hug before wanting down to play with Andy. "Not until after you two have breakfast," Riggs told them, getting their plates ready.

Vern walked over to see Brit lying in Damen's arms drinking her bottle. "Is someone extra little today?" she asked, making silly faces at Brit.

"Seems like it. According to Riggs, he and Oliver wore her out last night in the playroom," Damen informed her.

"Hmm, I've been on the receiving end of one of Rigg's play sessions. I know how she's feeling," Vern laughed.

Riggs served up pancakes to Andy and Bobbi at the counter, while Oliver placed a heaping pile in the middle of the table for the adults to serve themselves. After everyone was eating, Riggs broached the subject of why Vern was there. "So, are we going to talk about your visit?"

"Actually, no," Vern told him. "Not until Bobbi can be included in the conversation."

The men looked over at Bobbi and Andy playing with their food, making a mess for someone to clean up. "Well, good luck with that," Oliver told her. "Trying to separate those two long enough for her to be big Bobbi is going to be a task."

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