Princess Band Aids

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Oliver and Bobbi were in the kitchen trying not to bother Chef, as they recreated the pancakes from this morning. He was letting Bobbi create faces and designs with chocolate chips, when Riggs entered with his entourage. He was freshly showered, along with the others in attendance. When Bobbi saw him, she practically jumped off the counter and into his arms.

"Oh! Baby Girl, I missed you!" Riggs gushed, twirling her around in his arms.

"Well, I hope you all are hungry. The princess chose chocolate chip pancakes again for lunch and we've made enough for everyone!" Oliver flipped another pancake to show the men how good he was.

Chef brought over another bottle of broth and handed it to Riggs. Damen tapped him on his shoulder before he could give it to Bobbi. "Can I?" he asked, holding his arms out for his sister to climb into.

"Of course." Riggs watched as brother and sister found a seat at the table. Bobbi laid her head against his chest, allowing him to feed her. Turning back to Oliver, Riggs shrugged. "She needs a bottle of broth after her attacks to get her energy up. I think Damen has just found something else he's passionate about."

Taking a moment to soak in the scene in front of him, Oliver began to understand. This family had been through years of hard times. Damen had worked hard to keep this house afloat. He had invested wisely and carried on his parent's name and status. The one thing he couldn't have though, was Bobbi. She was too busy dealing with her own demons to allow him in her life. Now that they've reconnected, there wasn't anything that was going to get in the way of the brother, sister duo.

"Hey, Sis, I need to tell you something." Damen spoke softly to his sister as he held the bottle for her to suckle. "Riggs and I called the doctor for you. He's going to be here soon. I asked him to try to make you better."

Bobbi rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake. "Me?" she asked with the nipple in her mouth.

"Yeah, you. Maybe we can help the panic attacks. Wouldn't that be nice to not feel them again?"

Tears came to her eyes as she thought about what he just said. As far back as her memories would take her, she couldn't remember a time without them, and that was with medication. Of course, there was a chance that treatment plans may have progressed since then. With the hope of relief, Bobbi's tears became a sob. She hugged her brother tight, crying into his chest.

"Hey, Sis. Are you upset with me?" he asked. Bobbi shook her head, no. "Are these tears of happiness?" She nodded her head yes, while continuing to soak his shirt.

Riggs came over and crouched down next to them. "Bug, do you want Mr. Panda? Want me to go get him?"

"Y-yes," she cried, sticking her fingers in her mouth. Riggs saw what she did, but let her do it without any correction.

When he came back, he not only had Mr. Panda, but a pretty pink and white paci. "Here you go, Bug. Let's stop eating ourselves, okay?"

"Or we can eat some pancakes," Oliver offered, placing a plate on the table in front of her and Damen. He had already cut it into bite sized pieces for her. Damen grabbed the fork and held it to her mouth. Between silent tears, she took bite after bite. When she was finished, Damen offered her a bottle with water in it. She took a few drinks before falling asleep on his chest.

"What doctor is coming?" Jack asked Riggs.

"The family doctor we've always had. He was our doctor growing up. Why do you ask?" Riggs questioned.

Jack shoved another bite of pancake in his mouth. Shrugging his shoulders, he stared at Bobbi asleep in her brother's lap. "I was just thinking it might be a good idea to run a background on anyone that has access to private family information, such as this. She's vulnerable now. Before everyone just saw her as Damen's druggie sister who was no threat to anyone. Now, they see her as the biggest threat outside these walls. There seems to be no end to the lengths our enemies will go."

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