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After her bath, Nanny helped to get Bobbi back in some of her little's clothing, along with a fresh pull-up. Riggs had allowed Nanny to baby her while he waited downstairs with Damen, explaining what happened with his sister. The two of them were sitting at the table in the informal dining room when Nanny and Bobbi rounded the corner. Once Bobbi saw her brother, she ran to his outstretched arms.

Damen pulled her into his lap. He gave a surprised expression to Riggs at how little his sister weighed. He knew she was malnourished and exceedingly thin, but was not prepared for just how extreme it was. Bobbi threw her arms around his neck, giving him a big squeeze. "I'm sorry Damie. I know I was bad."

"No...no way, Baby Sister. You weren't bad, it sounds like you were just scared. I'm sorry you thought we were talking about you. I wish you would believe me when I tell you that I love you more than anything and everything I do is for you." He pulled away so he could see his sister's expression when he talked to her. When she wouldn't look him in the eye, he placed his finger under her chin, making her look at him. "I love you, Bug. Nothing will ever change that."

Bobbi laid her head on his chest. She stuck two fingers in her mouth, sucking on them for comfort. Riggs was just about to reach across the table to pull them out when Nanny saw what she was doing. She ran over and pulled a paci from her pocket, replacing the fingers with a new binkie. Bobbi made a funny face before settling in with her new comfort item. Riggs watched as a smile came across Damen's face while he laid his cheek down on top of his sister's head.

"Looks like someone might be a Daddy after all," Riggs smirked, watching Damen for a reaction.

Damen gave him a contented smile, letting him know he took no offense to the comment. "Maybe. This does feel really good."

"I've yet to find anything that matches it," Riggs told him.

Nanny emerged from the kitchen with a plate of fresh cookies in her hand. Behind her, Chef Clara followed with a tray holding two glasses of milk, and one bottle. Bobbi's eyes lit up when she saw the cookies placed on the table. "Can I Daddy?" she begged.

"Yes. You can have two, but that's it! Don't ask for any more than that!" he warned her.

Clapping her hands, she accepted the cookie her brother handed her. Once it was done, she asked for her second. "Don't you want to pace yourself, Bug?" Damen asked her, offering her a bottle instead.

Shaking her head, she pointed to the plate of cookies. "No! I want another one!" she demanded.

"That's enough!" Riggs scolded her. "You ask nicely or there is no other one."

Bobbi hung her head. "Sorry Daddy. Sorry Damie. May I please have another one?"

Damen looked over at Riggs, who nodded his agreement. Damen handed over her final cookie. "Slow it down, Bug. There's no reason to shove it all in your mouth like that."

Once the entire cookie was in her mouth, she laid her head back on her brother's chest to enjoy it. "You want me to take her so you can eat one?" Riggs asked.

Damen held the bottle up to his sister's mouth, letting her have a drink. "If it's alright with you, I think I'll just sit here and let her drink her bottle."

Sitting back in his seat, Riggs looked pleased watching Damen feed his little sister. "I think we may need to fuel this new urge you are experiencing," he chuckled.

"I think you're right. For some strange reason, there's suddenly a part of me that doesn't want this to end."

"Hmm..." leaning his elbows on the table, Riggs squinted his eyes at Damen. "I wonder if we should look for a baby boy or a baby girl for you?"

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