Nurse Brit

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When Riggs opened the door, he was surprised to see Bobbi sitting on the sofa crying, wrapped in Oliver's arms. Nurse Brit was trying to explain to her what the patient monitor is used for and how it may look scary, but it wouldn't hurt her. Riggs shared a look with Oliver that let him know things were not going well.

"Bobbi?" As Riggs approached her, she dug her face into Oliver's chest.

"She hasn't said a word," Oliver whispered to Riggs.

Nurse Brit stood up from her crouched position in front of where Bobbi was sitting. "I think she's shutting down. I'm going to leave to see if she pulls out of it without me here. Sometimes, being little makes even the most non-threatening things scarier than they really are."

Riggs thanked her for her understanding. He sat on the opposite side of Bobbi, while Damen and Rodger sat down on the bed. "Baby, you okay?" Riggs asked. There was no answer. He reached out to pet her back. "I would really like to hear that beautiful voice of yours. Do you think you can talk to Daddy?"

Bobbi mumbled into Oliver's chest. "I want to go home."

"I know you do, Baby, but we're already here. Why don't we give these doctors a chance. Damie and I just had a really good talk with them. They aren't anything like the other doctors, I promise. They really want to help you." Riggs continued to pet her back, waiting for an answer.

Shaking her head, she began crying while she pleaded with the men. "Please! I changed my mind. I don't want to be here anymore."

Rodger whispered into Damen's ear, getting a nod in response. He left the room while the others continued to try to calm her down. When he returned, he had a bottle of broth in his hand for Bobbi. He handed it to Oliver, urging him to try to feed her.

At first Bobbi rejected the bottle. She had stopped speaking again once she knew her wishes were not going to be met. Oliver picked her up from the sofa and carried her into the other room where they, as her family, would be staying. He figured since it wasn't a hospital bed, that maybe she would relax a little more. He laid her down next to him, cradling her head in his arms. "Baby, how about you try to drink some. It's just you and me in here," he told her.

Oliver remembered how well Bobbi reacted to Vern feeding her. He began to lightly trace his fingers over her arm and stomach while humming a soft lullaby. Her response was everything he had hoped for. She seemed to melt into his hold, relaxing enough that he was able to coax the nipple of the bottle into her mouth.

The moment Bobbi tasted the broth, she began to suckle. About halfway through, her eyes started to close. Oliver removed the bottle from her mouth once the broth made its way down her chin and cheek. He wiped it up and snuggled in with her, not wanting to wake her.

Riggs came in with Nurse Brit following right behind. She had everything she needed to place an IV in Bobbi's arm. When she saw Bobbi was asleep, she seemed to get excited. "She's in the perfect position for me to get this in," she whispered.

"Won't it wake her up?" Riggs asked.

Nurse Brit continued to move forward with the IV. "I read her file. She's pretty used to needles and the pain they cause. Let's just see how this works out. If she wakes up, be prepared to hold her arm."

Riggs positioned himself on the bed next to Oliver and Bobbi. He began to pet Bobbi's head out of nervousness. Nurse Brit was everything Doctor Chris had said she was. Where Oliver stopped with the lullaby, Nurse Brit began. Her singing was beautiful and relaxing for everyone in the room. They watched as she softly sang with a smile on her face and a needle in her hand. Her motions were so fluid and quick, Bobbi never even stirred. As soon as the IV was placed, the nurse hooked up a bag of fluids full of vitamins and the iron Bobbi so desperately needed.

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