Run Away

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After breakfast was served during a fun bubble bath, Riggs had Bobbi pick out some clothes for the day. She was feeling big today, so she dressed herself in a loose-fitting white t-shirt, skinny jeans, and ankle boots. When she was prepared for the day, he led her into the playroom to sit down at the round table to begin her writing punishment.

"Baby, I've got some work to do, so Nanny is going to come and sit with you. If you want to go walk the garden or explore some more when you're done, I'm fine with that. You must take Nanny with you though. Otherwise, I'll be back to check on you when I get a break." He handed her a pencil and some paper before leaving the room.

It wasn't long before he was back to check on Bobbi's progress. When he entered the playroom, she was laying stomach down on the carpet singing a Disney song while her feet swung back and forth in the air. Nanny caught him before he could say anything. She held a finger to her mouth, instructing him to be quiet. Walking over to him, she held a piece of paper in her hand to show him.

"She wrote all her sentences," she whispered, while quietly laughing at the same time.

Riggs took the paper from her. He was shocked with what he saw. The first ten lines were written perfectly with a pencil. The next few were done with various colored pencils, each line of penmanship appearing a little worse. For the last ten or so, Bobbi used crayons. The final two lines were more of scribbles than anything else. He looked at Nanny questioningly. "What is this?" he asked.

Nanny continued to snicker, not wanting to call attention to her or Riggs. "I think what we're seeing is her gradual regression into little space. Right now, she's coloring in her coloring book, with Mr. Panda tucked under her arm. Isn't she the most adorable thing you've ever seen?"

Rigg's eyes softened as he watched his baby girl singing to herself while coloring. My God, she was the best little he's ever had. "Thank you, Nanny. Do you think you can go get her something for lunch? Maybe a juice box and a PB&J with some chips?"

"Of course. Anything for our princess," she smiled as she walked away.

With paper in hand, Riggs walked over to where he could see Bobbi coloring a picture of a kitten with string wrapped around it. "Looks like someone did a good job and wrote all her sentences for Daddy."

The moment she heard his voice, she stopped what she was doing to jump into his arms. "I did all my work! You see the pretty colors? It looks like a rainbow!" she exclaimed.

"It's absolutely beautiful, little one." He held her in his arms and kissed her forehead. "Can you show Daddy what you're coloring now?"

She jumped down from his embrace, to hold up her coloring book. "It's a kitty!"

"So it is! Does this kitty have a name?" he asked.

Bobbi scrunched up her nose, as if she was thinking hard on the question she was asked. "I-I don't know. What you think it should be?"

"Well, it looks like a Cleo or maybe a Whiskers?" Riggs suggested.

"Kitty Cleo!" Bobbi screamed with excitement. She quickly grabbed the book from Rigg's hands and threw herself back down on the ground. She picked up a blue crayon and wrote something before showing him once again. "Look Daddy! I wrote her name!"

Riggs began laughing when he saw a bunch of squiggly lines that were depicting the cat's new title. "Wow, Bug! You did such a good job! You know what Daddy's going to do with this picture? He's going to hang it up in his office so he can think of you when he works."

"Lunch!" Nanny announced. She walked in and placed a tray on the table in the playroom.

"Daddy, you eat with me?" Bobbi requested.

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