Mr. Panda

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Staring over at his sister sleeping in bed, Damen had a hard time focusing on whatever it was Riggs was rattling on about. His visit this afternoon was the first one to check on her progress. He could see how beautiful she was, now that Riggs had bathed her and was able to get some food in her.

"Damen, Baby, you got to stop worrying like this and trust me that I know what I'm doing." Riggs walked over to sit next to him on the sofa. He handed him a warm mug of tea as he followed his line of sight.

"I know, and I do trust you." Damen offered Riggs a small, worried smile. "Oh, that reminds me, I went over to her flat and brought this for her." Damen reached into one of the duffle bags he carried in with him, and pulled out a very well-loved stuffed panda bear.

Riggs lit up when he saw it. He took the worn stuffie from Damen and began inspecting it. "Oh my God! She still has this?" he exclaimed in shock. "Do you remember when she got him? She must have been what? Maybe five?"

"Yeah. Dad saw her eyeing it in the zoo's shop window and surprised her with it when we were leaving. God I miss those days!" Damen stared into his tea, relishing the feeling of the memory.

Riggs could see his expression change into longing for times past. He leaned over and patted him on the knee. "That was an incredible day. It's one of my most cherished memories."

Being pulled back to the present, Damen looked curiously at his sister once again. "You know how long it's been since she's been back to her apartment?"

"Of course. It's been what now... three weeks?" Riggs reminded him.

Nodding his head, Damen reached back out for her stuffed panda. "When I walked in there, the entire place was spotless. I mean like, not a dust bunny in sight. Kitchen, floors, bathroom, everything cleaned to perfection. Even her dresser drawers were immaculate, everything folded perfectly. When I looked at her bed, it was made as if it was a hotel room waiting for its next customer. Sitting on top of the pillows was Mr. Panda. He was the only odd thing about the place. How is that possible after the state she let herself get to?"

"Well, she always was a stickler for a clean room. Remember how we used to sneak in and move things around just to mess with her when we were kids?" Riggs reminded him.

Damen silently nodded as he continued to watch his sister sleep. "You're going to make her yours, aren't you?" he asked.

Watching him closely for his reaction, Riggs answered him cautiously. "I am. It's the only way we can make sure she gets clean and stays clean. That doesn't mean I love you any less or we won't still have our time together. It just means she's going to have to be placed first for a while. How does that make you feel?" he asked.

"Honestly? I think it makes me love you even more. We both know whatever is between us is just for fun. I mean, I play with other men and women, so do you. Nothing is going to change on my end, but for you? This is going to alter your entire existence. Are you ready for that?" Damen questioned.

"I've been ready for this since the day you asked me to take this on. I knew what it meant then, and I know what it means now. Please don't worry about me. I'm the last person on this earth you need to waste your stress on. By the time you come back here, she will be exactly where we need her. You have my word on that." Riggs reached over and softly brushed the back of his fingers across Damen's cheek.

Damen offered a loving smile before taking Mr. Panda and sitting down on the bed next to his sister. He slid the stuffie between her bound hands. She instinctively grabbed hold and snuggled him close. He tenderly brushed some of her hair from her face, causing her to open her eyes.

A smile began to form on her lips, something he didn't think he would see from her quite so soon. "Damen? Are you here to see me?" she asked quietly.

"I am," he smiled back. "And I brought Mr. Panda with me. Do you think you might want to join us on the sofa? Do you feel up to that?"

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