Preparing the Lure

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Yesterday went by in a flash. When Vern's instruction began, all the men stayed and supervised, even helping where they could. However, over time, Riggs and Damen were called away to deal with preparations and last-minute issues. Oliver was the sole person to oversee the schooling and deal with any regression that it might cause.

To Oliver's surprise, Bobbi did very well with the tutoring. She was an attentive pupil and soaked up as much knowledge as she could from Vern. There was only one incident where Bobbi began to regress. It was more from being tired and stressed than the subject matter. When Oliver suggested a break for a while, Vern agreed, but with one condition.

"May I feed her the bottle?" Vern requested.

Oliver looked to Bobbi for the answer. She nodded her head, moving herself from his lap to Vern's. Bobbi was beginning to really like their woman visitor. Vern was strong and assertive, while at the same time soft and gentle. Bobbi could see why she made such a good mommy. As she lay in Vern's arms, she inspected the woman's face. Lifting her fingers to Vern's cheeks, she began to rub her skin. She liked how soft it felt.

Vern smiled down at Bobbi as she fed her. She let her touch her cheeks and explore her with her fingers. She hummed quietly to Bobbi while running her fingers through her hair. It was what she did with her own little, who she was missing at the moment. Speaking in a soft, tranquil voice, Vern began to coo at her. "You have very soft hair, little one. Does Daddy and Papa take care of it for you? I hope you know how lucky you are to have two strong daddies. They love you so much. They won't allow anything bad to happen to you."

Between each of her comments, Vern would continue humming the lullaby as if on instinct. When Bobbi's fingers found their way to Vern's lips, Vern opened her mouth and let them slip inside. She sucked and nibbled on the tips of her fingers. Bobbi wasn't expecting that, but she liked the way it felt. She smiled around the bottle's nipple, causing Vern to smile back. Once Bobbi was finished with her exploration, she relaxed into Vern's arms and allowed herself to fall asleep.

"I thought Adam was the sweetest little I'd ever seen, but Bobbi is definitely giving him a run for his money," Vern joked with Oliver.

Oliver was sitting across the room, watching the entire interaction between the women. "I may be biased, but I happen to agree with you."

Vern allowed Bobbi to take her nap, wrapped in the comfort of her arms. After Bobbi awoke, they allowed her some time to adjust to being big again. Once Bobbi was ready to begin, Vern continued with the lessons. By the time they were finished, the sun had gone down and the men were back together again to oversee and assist.

Bobbi was grateful for Vern's intervention. She fell asleep with hours of instruction swimming in her head. Papa helped her mind calm down enough to rest by tickle-touching her back and arms. She loved his light, feathery fingers drawing circles on her skin. It always made her mind shut down.

However, today was a different beast entirely. Bobbi didn't get to see either of her daddies very much. They were constantly being called away to fix problems or deal with planned issues. Nanny stayed throughout the day with her, keeping her busy with memorizing pictures of their guests. Vern came by for a little while, assisting with small details that she needed to know about. Some of the information Vern imparted on her was simple family bloodlines or current family dynamics. Other things though, such as who to watch out for or what their triggers were, was just as much appreciated. Nanny did well at telling Bobbi who they were and what they did for her family, but the nitty gritty was definitely all Vern.

As soon as the beauty team arrived, Vern left to get herself prepared. Nanny stayed with her in case of any regressing. Thankfully, that did not happen. Any nervousness Bobbi may have been feeling was quickly overshadowed by the anger she felt towards Perkins. Tonight, she was going to avenge not just her parents, but Rigg's also. There was no way she was going to allow anything to screw this up.

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