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Slam, Slam

Riggs awoke to the sounds of the cupboard doors being slammed shut. Looking at his cell phone, he could see it was only 5 a.m. Rolling over, he wiped the sleep from his eyes. Standing, hunched over in the kitchen, was Bobbi. She had one scrawny arm wrapped around her concave stomach, while the other was making a mess of the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked sleepily.

"I know you have something here to help with all this. I'm just trying to find something to make me feel better." She continued rummaging through the drawers, looking for her next high.

"Jesus, Bug. All the meds are locked up and put away. Now come back to bed."

Walking over to stand next to him, she demanded to know where the first aid box was. "I'm not telling you shit," Riggs mumbled as he rolled away from her.

Sitting next to him, she began rubbing her fingers up and down his side before grabbing his cock in her hand. "Pretty please?" she asked sweetly.

He let out a pretend moan so he could get closer to her. Before she had time to react, he grabbed her around her waist, pulling her over the top of him. He had her on her back with her hands above her head faster than she could think. He straddled her and began rubbing himself against her. "Is that the payment for giving you what you want?" he asked in a husky voice.

Thinking she was about to finally get what she'd been looking for, she smiled innocently. "Is that what Daddy wants? Some alone time with his little girl?"

"Oh, Daddy's going to get plenty of alone time with his little girl, but not just yet." He smiled wickedly at her, before she felt the strap being cinched tight.

She tried to move her arms, but they were interlocked and strapped to the bed. She began pulling as hard as she could, but they weren't budging. "What the hell Riggs! Let me go! This is against the law!"

"What should be against the law, is you waking me up at five in the morning looking for your next high. Now you will act like a good girl and lay here in this bed!" he growled at her.

Bobbi started kicking at him with her feet, trying desperately to remove herself from the situation. Riggs grabbed hold of both her calves with one hand. The other reached under the bed for the ankle straps that were already attached to the posts. "You want your legs strapped down too? I've got quite the complete set here from when your brother and I visited."

He smacked her thigh, sending a sudden warning pain through her body. "I'm about one step away from giving your bottom the spanking of a lifetime. Now, are you going to behave, little one?"

Feeling fresh tears begin to drop, she sniffled, looking away from him. "I don't want a spanking," she whispered.

"What was that?" he asked, letting her know he heard, but wanted it repeated.

"I said, I don't want a spanking!" she quipped back sarcastically.

Another smack on her thigh let her know he was not about to tolerate her attitude this early in the morning. A small squeal came from her as soon as the sting was placed. Knowing what was expected, she turned her teary eyes to him and changed her attitude.

"I do not want a spanking," she repeated in a nicer tone.

"Keep going," he growled.

"I do not want a spanking, Daddy," she finished.

Rolling off the top of her, he laid his head back down on the pillow yawning loudly. "That's better, Baby. Now let's get some sleep."

After a few minutes, he could feel Bobbi rustling around next to him. Sitting up on his elbows, he frustratingly looked over at her as she tried desperately to get comfortable.

Unwanted DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now