Morning Swim

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Bobbi had lost count by the time Riggs had taken a break from the flogger. He wrapped her hair around his hand, pulling her head back as far as he could. "What's your word?" he whispered into her ear.

Crying out from being taken out of her headspace, she stuttered over her response. With a quick jerk of her head, Riggs asked once again. "What is your word Bobbi? I need to hear it from your lips!"

"B-bunny," she finally choked out.

"Good girl," he praised her, as he allowed the back of his fingers to slide down her breasts.

Bobbi could hear him walk away for a moment. She hung her head, breathing heavily onto her chest. "Here," she heard him say as he placed a bottle of water to her lips. She drank in gulps before he pulled it away.

"Where are you at right now?" he asked her. "Tell me what color."

He raised the blindfold from her eyes so he could see for himself if she was telling the truth. Bobbi looked at him with her determination set. "More," she whispered, never breaking from her stare.

Showing his understanding, he nodded his head. He replaced the tear-soaked blindfold to continue his treatment on her body. Once again, he touched her with his hand first, giving her the signal that he was about to begin. This time he used a leather whip that reached around her waist, kissing the side of her stomach. Where before Bobbi held in her pain, internalizing it for future use, this time she screamed out, allowing Riggs and herself to hear it. Her head snapped back at the sting, allowing her to yell her pain at the ceiling of the room.

The next touch of the whip was done with barely any strength behind it at all. She could feel the soft caress of the leather, and the tenderness of Rigg's touch through the device itself. It was enough to make her knees go week. Then, with another crack of the whip, she felt the sweet sting of life's agony cut through her skin once more. He continued on this way for another five minutes. Every other swing being filled with love and caring, only to be followed with another stinging blow.

Riggs finally stopped to check back in with her. Pulling the blindfold completely off, he placed the water to her lips, allowing her to drink as much as she wanted. "My God, Bug. You still can take this like a champ. Where's your head right now?"

Bobbi choked out the color yellow before asking for more water. Riggs untied her wrists from the posts. Once she was loose, her knees buckled under her and she crashed to the floor. He gently picked her up and placed her, stomach down, on the bed. He walked away for a minute before returning with a towel and salve that he carefully began rubbing on her back.

"This is going to look pretty nasty for a while. Can you talk yet? Can you tell me how you feel?" he asked as he gently rubbed in the cream.

Bobbi turned her head towards him as she rested her cheek on her hands. "Better," she told him, giving him a closed eye smile.

"You never cease to amaze me with how strong you are. Do you know that?" he asked. Her expression of complete contentment made him feel the same. "Can I lay here next to you for a while? I don't want you to be alone," he admitted.

She nodded her head once again but did not open her eyes.

"Words, Baby Girl," Riggs reminded her.

"Mm-hmm," she hummed as she began drifting off to sleep. Riggs covered her up, then laid down beside her. He played with her hair for a while before falling asleep himself.


Riggs awoke the following morning still fully dressed and lying in the bed of Bobbi's special room. When he rolled over to see her sleeping next to him, he realized he was alone. Immediately sitting up, he could feel his heart racing as he looked around. Everything was exactly as he had left it the day before, except Bobbi was missing.

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