Movie Night

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Once again, there is a sex scene marked by a * in this chapter. If you do not want to read that scene, I have placed a * at the beginning and the end. Start where the second * is to avoid reading it.

For the rest of her Saturday, Bobbi got to hang out with the men until it was near time for Riggs and Damen to leave for the club. Jack and Burney had left just an hour before, trying to make sure everything was ready for opening the doors. Damen and Rodger had stayed to have dinner with Riggs, Oliver, and Bobbi. They had tried to have Chef hide some meat in a couple of different dishes. So far, one was too obvious, but the 'vegetarian' meatballs seemed to be a hit. They sat around basking in the fact she was eating them.

Rodger offered to do dishes with Oliver, while Damen and Riggs stayed at the table to have a serious talk with Bobbi. "Hey, Bug, we've got something to talk to you about, and we need you to try to understand, okay?" Damen asked her.

Bobbi nodded her head. "Okay Damie. I try."

"Good, because this may be hard for you to hear. Next weekend, we are going to be having a get together with a lot of important people. These are all very powerful people, with a lot of other powerful people under them, but none of them are as prominent as us. They are coming here because I am handing over part of the leadership of our kind, to you." Damen took a moment to let that sink in.

Pointing a finger at herself, Bobbi asked him to clarify. "To me? Why?"

"Because it is rightfully yours," Riggs spoke up. "This is what your parents created, with the help of mine. You and Damen are the heirs to the title. You know this."

"I-I do, but I don't think I'm ready," she reasoned.

Damen reached across the table and placed her hand in his. "I don't think you are either, but no one else needs to know that. You can continue being little and getting help from the doctor. Riggs and I will keep things going until you're better. But there is a catch here, and I do need to know how far you want to go with it."

Bobbi looked confused. She couldn't imagine what her brother was talking about. "What is the catch?"

"Bug, the man that keeps trying to kill you will be there. A message needs to be sent so others don't try to keep coming after you. Are you willing to be a part of taking care of this issue, or do you need Damen and I to do it?" Riggs asked.

Bobbi sat quietly, tracing imaginary images on the tabletop. She knew what they were asking. Was she ready to take a life? Technically her parents had put a moratorium on Feeders taking other Feeder's lives. It was upheld even after their death. This would definitely break that rule and could cause more chaos than anything else. Of course, she highly doubted Riggs or her brother would allow that to happen. Whatever they planned was more than likely going to solidify her stance within the community and end the attempts on her life. Was this worth it though? Looking up at her brother and Riggs, she realized Rodger and Oliver were done with the dishes and were eagerly awaiting her response, along with the rest of them. "Can I have time to think about this?"

"Of course, Bug. Take whatever time you need. Rodger and I are going to leave now." He got up and kissed her on the head. "I love you Bobbi."

She didn't answer back at first, still too stunned to move. Her finger continued to trace the shapes she saw in her head. The moment she heard the front door open though, she sprung to life. She suddenly realized she hadn't told him she loved him. Jumping from her chair, she ran screaming Damen's name. Riggs and Oliver ran after her. She sounded like she was being tortured.

Damen heard his sister yell his name. He hadn't heard her sound like this in years. He turned to see her running towards him with tears in her eyes. She threw herself into his arms. Holding on tight, he looked up at Riggs and Oliver, wondering what this was all about. "Shh, Baby Sister. Whatever it is, it's all going to be okay."

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