No Accident

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Oliver and Bobbi were putting together a puzzle in the living room. It was a twenty-five piece that Bobbi was having difficulties doing. Oliver continually told her to put the edges together first to make it easier, but she continued to try to match inside pieces instead. After a while, he sat back on the sofa and let her try on her own.

She was kneeling on the floor, bent over the coffee table, deeply involved in the puzzle making process, when Oliver received a text on his phone. He was leaning back, taking a moment to close his eyes, when Bobbi picked it up for him. His phone was face down on the table next to her. The moment she turned it over to hand to him, a picture came up with a message from Jack.

It was so unexpected, she wasn't even clear on what was happening. Memories of long past trauma's began to flood her mind. Dropping the phone on the floor, she started to grasp at her chest. Her breathing turned rapid and shallow so quickly, she couldn't stop hyperventilating.

Oliver sat up and grabbed her shoulders. "Baby, you need to calm down. Focus on your breathing." He quickly grabbed the small walkie-talkie he had on his hip. "We have a code pink in the living room. I repeat, Princess code pink in living room."

Bobbi heard what he said, but could not react. Oliver slid to the floor in front of her and tried to get her to breath with him. Her face began to turn pale, and the rims of her eyes became a dark red. Within less than a minute, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She slumped forward onto Oliver as her lifeless body was overtaken by panic. Just as Oliver caught her, Riggs, Damen, and Rodger came running through the doors.

"What happened?" Damen asked, running to his sister.

"I have no idea. She was doing the puzzle, then she had a panic attack."

Oliver got up from the floor with Bobbi in his arms. He laid her down on the sofa so Damen could sit next to her. "That doesn't make any sense. There's no way she panicked over a puzzle!" Damen continued.

Riggs picked up Oliver's phone from the floor and handed it to him. "Wait a minute. I was sitting on the sofa, and my phone notified me that I got a text. She must have picked it up and looked while she was handing it to me."

Oliver looked at his phone and saw a text message from Jack. It was sent as a group text to all of them. He opened it up and saw it was a picture of a man. Under it was written, Mad Dog. "This is all I got. It's the same as all of you. I highly doubt this caused an attack."

"Look at her face," Damen said, moving some of her hair away. He looked up at Riggs with fear in his eyes. "She's pale. I've never seen this with her attacks before."

Riggs kneeled next to the sofa and began petting her head. "Oliver, how long did this attack last?"

"It was around a minute. It was over nearly as soon as it started."

"They usually last a couple, maybe three to four minutes. We always get time to talk her down, if possible. None of this makes any sense," Riggs told Damen. "I'm going to take her upstairs and lay her in bed. Can one of you get a damp cloth to place on her head?"

As the three men followed Riggs upstairs, they were all resigned to the fact they weren't going to leave her side. Taking vigil in the master suite, Rodger and Oliver sat in front of the fireplace, while Damen and Riggs lay next to her in bed, waiting for her to wake up.

It was nearly an hour before Bobbi opened her eyes. She didn't move her body or make any sound. Instead, she looked around, seeing where everyone was. Oliver just happened to look over from his seat by the sofa. He saw her looking at him. Walking over, he sat down at the foot of the bed. "Hey Bug, how are you feeling?"

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