64. Where Are You, Ehsher Gustafson?

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'Where are you, Ehsher Gustafson?'

In Mart Laurence Kasfer's point of view in the story titled Every Breath You Take.

I am adorned with splendid garments.
Although it was strange, I still compelled myself to move in accordance with my majestic habiliment.

My hair is oiled, bound neatly on my head, and my clothes are perfumed with expensive Nard.

Tonight I am a burglar pretending to be noble. I am like a fly in a pricey ointment.

Usually, whenever we embezzle, we take a different route, because that's what thieves and robbers are like. We only obscure our faces but do not cover up our bodies. Wrapped up like a ferocious wolf whose only pursuit is to steal sheep and cause harm.

We are like wolves jumping through a gate and if not through a gate then a closed window.

But tonight I will pass through the gate so that the vigils will not know that I am a bandit, and my prey is the only daughter of Don Bernave Gustafson, Ehsher Gustafson.

And as I entered I saw what was going on in the courtyard.

People gather in the hall, Each of them is besieged by precious stones, silver, and gold on their body, and clothing. Their way of talking and even their movements are very stunning, and their faces show that they come from a prosperous lifestyle.

I glanced around and scrutinized the whole courtyard.

This is how the rich celebrate, they spend too much on pleasure, musicians and singers are playing different instruments and singing in different tones, each centre has a banquet, and each centre is surrounded by expensive wine and gold vessels.

There is nothing better for a man or good than to eat and drink and rejoice in all his works under the sun because that is his most part. There is nothing better for man to do than to be full and drunk all the days of his life and use his money for all the things that his heart and mind desire.

Rejoice in his greatest possessions and take all he wants while he lives because that is his part under the sun. Lie down contented with his labours.

In their luxurious clothes, I see my poverty and disgrace, although I am dressed in noble clothes but to me, it is only a temporary decoration that I will take off after this day.

Why did this life not grant me luxuries and wealth?

Why am I deprived of these?

Why are many blessed but among them why am I not included?

In the old saying they believe that a comfortable life can be experienced by every person in the world but why are we deprived of it?

And others think that it is necessary to accept hardship while living to enjoy comfort in the afterlife, but who can prove that there is an afterlife and comfort in the afterlife?

For if a man dies, shall he live?

If an individual dies, can anyone bring him back to see what will happen after his death, and likewise, who will bring back the dead to tell what happened after his death?

Can anyone prove the afterlife?

Has anyone ever died and then lived to tell of what he saw in the afterlife?

When an individual died, he will not be able to get up again until the sky vanishes, they will not get up again, Nor will they wake up from their death.

But why am I wasting my time thinking about these things?

I came to kill life and not to take my life!

I have only one goal so that I can experience true happiness on earth.

Where are you, Ehsher Gustafson?

Are you ready to meet death to face the afterlife?

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