Chapter 2: Who's this?

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(Still Miles POV)

I burst through the school doors, and although not everyone is looking at me, many eyes are still on me. Clearly everyone saw what happened through the glass doors, and clearly the glass exterior is not sound-proof. I just wanna leave this place, leave all the peering eyes. I don't know the place, I just run. But then.. Bam. I run into someone, and drop all my things.

3rd person POV:

Miles collects his stuff as he frantically picks up his stuff in panic. As he looks up to apologize, he freezes. "Uh...?" the girl says. "Shit! Sorry for running into you! I was just running because I...." as he seems to lose his ability to speak. "Oh you're the new kid right? Quite the entrance." The girl giggles. Miles' face goes red as he manages to handle the stuff in his arms. (Just to mention this isn't confident ass Miles YET I'm making him more introverted, for now). "Um...." Miles awkwardly says, before getting hit by a paper airplane. They both look around, as Miles realizes everyone was over his enticing 'entrance' and everything is back to normal, chaos in the corridors. "You'll get used to this." The girl says as she gives him a warm smile. "I'm gonna sign in, since y'know, it's my first day." Miles hurriedly says, as he begins to run off. "See ya around, my name's Gwen by the way" "Mine's Miles".

Miles POV:

OMG that was so akwarddddd. Why did I run from her.... She was so beautiful... I didn't know what to say ..., was I blushing? did she see?...nevermind. Where do I sign up anyway? I'll just go find my dorm, I think I'm close to them anyway. Hm... my dorm is here. T-109. I enter the passcode, and walk into a messy room, where I see a boy working on what looked like a STEM project. He turns and looks at me. "Hey! Ur the new kid right? Nice entrance. Name's Ganke." "Miles" I say as I look around, avoiding the "nice entrance" comment. I dump my stuff on the top bunk as I look at my timetable. After I fixed my stuff, we went and signed up in the office and we went our separate ways. He has English class and I had physics.

I walked through the corridor... hm... MO-103? Yup.. that's my class. I walked in, and surprisingly I was one of the first there. I pull out my headphones and blast 'Sunflower' again, and start drawing on my sketchbook. As class starts, people start filing in, but no one is next to me, I chose the corner side for that reason. Plus, who would sit with the new kid? As the teacher starts talking, I put away my stuff lightly yawn at the textbook in front of me. I've already seen the content when I went through the content on my own... Props to my parents I guess... I got them smart genes, this is so easy. My body stiffens as I hear someone pull up the chair next to me, but I don't look up at them.. They probably didn't want to sit with me anyway.....

Gwen POV: (Go back a bit to show her reaction of the same events on her side)

That kid was nice..... I heard he almost aced the entrance exam.... Most of the students just had rich parents. That's probably why he wasn't that snobby and rude. Honestly... I like his vibe for some reason, idk why.. I just met him. Forget it Gwen, time for class.

 I walk back to my dorm to grab my stuff for my class. Dorm T-101, ah, home sweet home. Wait. WHAT'S MY CODE? I forgot oh no.... Well I can always creep through the window. I creep out of the school, and after taking a look to make sure I'm safe, I slowly go up the fire escape until I see the window for my dorm. Phew... saved. I change, grab my stuff and head out... Why is it so quiet? OH SHIT! I'M LATE! RUN! Thank god for enhanced genes..... I run into class.... Thank god Mr. Joe hasn't called the roll yet. I look around.... I see MJ and Betty at the side, but.... I see Miles in the corner... he seems lonely.. Maybe I'll join him. I pull up a chair and tap his shoulder......  

There we go! Miles meets Gwen! How will they get along? Will the more extroverted Gwen mix well with quiet Miles? 

-(Again so there's no confusion in this story Gwen is more outgoing and Miles is a more quiet kid.. He's like the type of guy who is really quiet but once you know him he seems insane and very fun to be with.)  

Also I know this story is very new (Heck I only started writing days ago), but if anyone has any comments, good or bad, I'll take them. Is the story too fast or the pace is too slow? Is anything not to your liking? Tell me!

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