Chapter 7: Week ends.... What the hell?

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Gwen POV:

He..... felt it? His brain sensed it and told him to dodge it? Could he be like me? Is this really happening? No. Don't overthink this. He probably just has good senses and reflexes. Hey, he told me he used to play basketball. That's it. Don't overthink. What if it's true though? It would be great to have help sometimes, and having someone like Miles as the help would be great..... Stop. Stop, Stop. I.... I break out of my mental battle as I realize Miles has been staring at me with mild concern in his face. "It's fine" I say, composing myself, hoping he didn't see my face as I turned to my usual, confident smile. "Let's go" I tell him, even though I have no idea where to go or what to do, I just wanna get out of this situation......

-Time skip.... End of the week (situation above was Tuesday recess time), Friday afternoon..... end of Miles's first week at Visions.

3rd person POV:

Miles and Gwen walk out of the campus as they both carry their big backpacks, both on their homes as they prepare to depart to their respective homes. Gwen suddenly snatches his phone, as Miles says "Hey!" Gwen giggles as Miles initially struggles to get a hold of the smaller and more agile girl, but eventually catches her, but in the process they slam on a wall, Miles's hand pressed to the wall next to Gwen's face. "Caught ya" Miles smirks (Miles is gonna be less like introverted, he's gonna be more of the confident guy from the movies and stuff now, saying more random stuff, basically being the goofy Miles we all know and love). Miles grins at her, until he processes the situation he's in. Gwen has her hands in her face, holding Mile's phone, face beet red as her body is pressed between the wall and Miles's stronger stature. Heat rises to Mile's face as he backs off, saying... "Sorry... didn't mean to do that." Running his hand through his hair, looking anywhere but at the girl in front of him. Gwen finally laughs, as Miles seems to take a sigh of relief. "I took your phone" Gwen says as she hands back her phone "To give you my number... So we can talk on the weekend!" She says. Miles smiles as he looks at her contact on his phone and says "I'll contact you. I gotta go now though. See ya!" Miles says as he starts sprinting for the bus stop. Gwen laughs to herself, looking at the boy, as she starts making her own way to her train.


The fanart above I found on Reddit, I think the artist is called HardZenen (dude has 5k followers),  just giving credit where it's due since I'm using it here.

-Time skip

Miles gets home, and sees his mom. "Bienvenido de nuevo mijo! How was school?" Miles heard as he walked in. "Good! School content... isn't hard.. And I have some friends!" "Friends? What are their names ?" "Oh! There's Ganke, Ned, Matt, Eddie, and Gwen!" (Yes, Miles did make some friends other than Gwen, I'm just too lazy to get them interacting in my writing. And Miles did only make friends because of Gwen. His introverted self was able to get new friends since Gwen encouraged him to. How nice.) Miles realizes he made a mistake mentioning Gwen as his mom says, "Miles you met a girl? ay dios mío! It's been 1 week but my little mijo already has a girlfriend!" Miles blushes hard and says "MOM! It's not like that! I'm good friends with her! Nothing else!" Miles' mom laughs, and doesn't respond as she goes back to her work.

Miles sighs as he walks into his room. He changes out of his uniform, and into comfortable clothes, but soon realizes his shirt seems to be a bit smaller than he remembered..... "Is it puberty?' He thinks as he struggles to fit it... 'That's weird to think but probably true' He thinks as he tries to grab his closet door, but as he swings it... his hand seems to be stuck to the door. Miles tries to get unstuck, but soon realizes he's REALLY stuck. He starts pulling hard on it, pushing stuff over in his room, to avail. "What the hell.....? Stop sticking! Stop sticking! Please stop sticking!" As he says that, he knocks over a comic book of the amazing spider man. He looks at one of the pages as he struggles, and he freezes. 


On the page, the character says "Stop sticking! Please stop sticking!" As the character is stuck to the wall. Miles gasps in disbelief, but as he does so he finally was released and lands on the floor with a loud thump. "Miles! Are you ok in there?" Miles hears his mom say. "FINE!....fine mom, I'm fine" He panickedly replied. He hears his mom walk away from his door, back to the living room as he sighs in relief, and then with heart thumping in his chest, he looks at the spider man book again.....

And here's another chapter! What is going on with Miles? (you know guys cmon) How will Miles react to this? What will he do?  And sorry about lack of action and stuff, I just like to build up things first, building up the plot.

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