Chapter 41: Spider-boy?

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Chapter 41:

3rd person POV:

Gwen took a step back, and prepared to sing.... "Can I call you baby? Can I call you friend?......" (Song continues) Throughout the song, Gwen kept her eyes on Miles. While MJ was a crowd pleaser, she wasn't. She just cared about Miles. Miles in turn just stared at her, in awe of her singing. Gwen did exactly what MJ had told her. Focus on him, aim for him. In her eyes, there was only one person in the crowd. Miles. And that's all she needed. "I need someone who can love me at my worst. No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth..." (Rest of the lyrics) As the song ended, the crowd cheered loudly, and applauded her. Gwen waved at the audience, but her eyes were still trained to Miles. They didn't really break eye contact throughout the song, his presence calming her down and keeping her focused. But their contact broke as the rest of the band hugged her, and congratulated her for the performance. Gwen bowed with the team, and they waved in the crowd in thanks, as the curtains started to drop. "THANKS NEW YORK!" MJ shouted as the curtains dropped, covering them.

MJ squealed in delight, hugging Betty and Cindy, before crushing Gwen in a big hug. "Yes Gwen! That was great!" She said, Gwen just ran her hand through her hair, absolutely speechless as she processed what she just did. Betty and Cindy congratulated her again, and MJ then pulled her to the side. "Go," She said to Gwen. Gwen replied in confusion. "Go?" MJ nodded. "The performance is done. Go find your loverboy." Gwen tried to say something, but MJ shushed her. "Just go, I saw your performance; your eyes never left him. You know what you have to do. Go" Gwen numbly nodded, and started to scoot away. "Gwen! One last thing!" MJ said as Gwen approached the door. Gwen looked behind her shoulder, and MJ said "I want details" she smirked at Gwen, who's face reddened, and she ran through the now open door.

-Time skip

Gwen walked around, but she had no idea where to find Miles. It was even harder as she had to hide herself in the hood of her hoodie, due to the fact she wanted to hide herself from the crowd. After a while without being able to locate the boy, she walked out, and sighed. "Miles.... Where are you?" She muttered to herself. All of a sudden, her spider-sense tingled. She looked around, but there was no one around her. The street was empty. She sat down on the ground. Maybe she was imagining things now. Suddenly, an audible 'POP' filled the air, and Gwen instinctively reacted, shooting her hidden web-shooter at the direction of the sound. She hit something, and pulled a figure out of the darkness. She flipped the body over mid-air, and slammed the person on to the ground. She looked down, and.... "Miles?" She said in surprise. "How'd you sneak up on me?" Miles grinned on the floor. "I'll tell you when you let me off the ground." Gwen moved, releasing him, and Miles chuckled. "Should've known you were aware."

"How though?" She questioned. Miles chuckled. "I just....snuck up on you." Gwen just shook her head. Maybe all that was on her mind clouded her senses. "Wanna get outta here?" She asked the boy. He eagerly nodded, and she said "Your choice" Miles proceeded to take out another spray painted suit from a bag. "Let's change first," He said. Gwen reached into her bag, considering taking her gift out now, but then decided against it and pulled out her own, deciding now wasn't the right time. After a bit, the two were in the air, Miles grappling, slightly slower than the faster web slinging Gwen. "Where to?" She asked Miles. Miles said "Slow down, and follow me."

-Time skip

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-Time skip

They arrived on top of the Williamsburg Bank Building (yes, the tower from the movie. That's the exact name of it, it's not any random clock tower.). They walk around the clock, and Gwen comments "Nice spot" Miles chuckles "I mean who needs a treadmill when you got the Williamsburg Bank building?" (yes, it's the exact lines from the movie) Gwen laughs. "How'd you find this spot?" Miles replied "I uh..... Sometimes I go out on my own." Gwen gasped dramatically "You go out without me?" Miles just laughed nervously. He knew how much Gwen liked to tease. "I'll let you off though, birthday boy" Those words struck him like an arrow, and he remained speechless as they approached the bell at the top of the tower. "Wait so... when you said that before the song-" Miles asked, Gwen laughed at his obliviousness. "Who else had their birthday today, and is one of my best friends who was in the crowd?" She asked. Miles ran his hand through his hair in awkwardness, realizing his stupidity. Gwen punched him on the shoulder teasingly. "You liked your gift?" She asked. Miles nodded "Your singing.... Was incredible," he said in awe. Gwen blushed, and looked away. "Gwen.... That was the best singing ever..... That's the best birthday present I've ever gotten." Gwen hugged herself, trying not to explode in happiness. "Glad you liked it" She managed to squeak out without looking too embarrassed. The two sat on the ledge, upside down, looking at the city below.

"But that's not all" She suddenly said, to Miles's surprise

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"But that's not all" She suddenly said, to Miles's surprise. Miles raised his eyebrow at her, and Gwen pulled her bag from a web she had used to put it in place close to her. From her bag, she pulled out a neatly folded suit, which wrapped some web shooters. She handed them to Miles. "For me?" he asked in surprise. Gwen nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Miles excitedly, unfolded it, and put on the web shooters. "Woooowwww....." He said, to Gwen's delight, who chuckled at his childish behavior as he inspected his new equipment. "How did you make this?" He asked. Gwen shrugged like it was nothing, though it did take her forever to do it. "Some fabric I got, special padding material, and the web shooters were made from some of my old ones.... I painted and made the suit based on your color scheme.... I realized your suits were getting ripped and everything so maybe this would be-" Her words were cut off by Miles hugging her tightly. "Thanks" he said, gratefulness very prominent in his words, "For the best birthday" Gwen had butterflies in her stomach. She hugged him back tightly.

"No problem, Spider-Man"   

There we go! Chapter 41! Miles finally gets his spider-suit. He finally gets to be like Gwen, web slinging across the city... Cool right? 

What's gonna happen next?                                                                                               

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