Chapter 52: It's okay...

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3rd person POV:

Miles cried into the lifeless hand he was holding, choking back sobs as he tried not to break down. He didn't want to break down.... He couldn't let himself break down. He's supposed to be Spider-Man. The new hero on the block. He had to be strong. Miles wiped his tears on his face to no avail, as yet again his face was soaked by the seemingly endless amount of tears. Miles looked as he heard the sound of a girl groaning and getting up.... He looked to his side and saw that Margo Kess had just gotten up.... Nursing the hurt side of her face from Miles's punch. A fire seemed to be lit in Miles's stomach, and rage coursed through his body. His body glowed like a Christmas Tree, Orange and yellow lightning dancing around his body as he stood up, an emotionless look now covering face, with the tears fading. Margo turned to look at the boy, and she almost fell from the force of the glare she saw. If looks could kill, she'll be dead now (I know this line is very overused, but it's perfect here.). Despite the emotionless face, his eyes displayed all the emotions Miles was feeling in that moment..... Anger, guilt, regret, pain, sadness..... And most terrifyingly....Absolute unbridled rage. Margo cowered in fear as Miles's eyes also lit up in a bright orange, his eye pupils turning a bright yellow to compliment the orange. Miles felt great in the moment. He felt great.... Almost invincible.... So powerful. And although his subconsciousness told him to calm down, he couldn't help but notice a voice in his head saying.... "Wouldn't it be nice to use this power? And how about starting it with using it on the person that just killed your uncle?" Although it didn't feel right, Miles found the logic.... Sensible. Why shouldn't he use his powers? And especially on someone who deserved death? An eye for an eye, a life for a life right?

 Why shouldn't he use his powers? And especially on someone who deserved death? An eye for an eye, a life for a life right?

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Miles looked on, a cold smile forming on his face..... One that terrified Margo more than anything. Miles raised his fist, in a stance that showed that he was gonna charge at Margo. Miles charged at Margo, and landed another blow on her. Some of her teeth came out from the hit, and Miles felt great. He knew he wasn't using his full force yet, some of his good subconscious holding him back. But he felt the voice in his head to let go.... To let loose. Miles turned, ready to hit her again. But as he seemed primed to strike Margo again, the boy turned as a hand was put on his shoulder. He was surprised. How could he not sense that? His power and senses were at their peak at that moment. But as he turned.... He realized it's because.... It wasn't a threat. He was looking at those crystal blue eyes of Gwen Stacy, whose face was lined with worry but also suppressed pain. But Miles was still angry, and attempted to shake out of her grip, but she increased the strength of her grip on his shoulder and hand. Gwen internally signed in relief as she noticed Miles's glowing seemed to weaken a bit. Her presence had the right effect. Miles still seemed discontent, and Gwen, trusting that Miles would never hurt her, hugged him, despite his current state. She tensed a bit as the lightning shocked her skin as she hugged him, but she didn't care. She had to stop Miles. He was fueled by anger right now.... Somewhat justifiable, but what he needed now was to let his emotions out and be comforted. "No Miles, no..... We don't kill people. We're heroes, remember?" She said, then kissed him on the lips, which seemed to surprise Miles out of his state, his glowing eyes slowly reverting to their normal color, and the lighting disappearing on his skin, not hurting Gwen anymore. Gwen smiled as she hung on to him. "It's ok Miles, let it all out...." She said to him, and Miles looked at his bloody hands, at his dead uncle's body, and Gwen still hung on to him as he fell to his knees, and started crying.

-Time skip

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-Time skip

Gwen and Miles were fortunate enough that Gwen's dad showed up first, and he was able to help them get sorted out, and obviously he kept Miles's identity as Spider-Man a secret. He also called Miles's dad from the station and told him the news, so someone else didn't have to. He then cleared them a path so Miles could get them out, since they would need to be questioned by the police about it if they were there. As Miles swung into the air, Gwen questioned which hospital they could go to. Miles knew which one to go, but he didn't know if it was the best idea. "I could go to my mom, but it could involve me telling my parents about.... All this." He hesitated with his words, though he started swinging towards his mom's hospital, where he knew she would be able to provide them a private room for Gwen's injury needs. Gwen smiled at him and squeezed his free hand "You'll be fine, pretty boy." (Does anyone know where this nickname is referenced from? It's not marvel related. It's a non-canon ship from something I like.) Miles smiles from underneath the mask. Despite what has happened, he couldn't help but admire the girl in his arms right now, and how she always made him smile no matter what.... Especially right now when he really needed it. 

So here's chapter 52! The next chapter will be the end of this arc probably, and it should be a bit longer than usual ones. After that.... might take a short break. Might not. But what will happen is y'all get second arc/part of the story. More Gwen and Miles action, more spider action. 


Writer's note:

Hello everyone.... I'm back. For once I took a slightly longer break.... 2 days.... and honestly I've actually decided I'm probable not gonna do daily uploads anymore. This might sadden some people, it might not, but I'm just getting it out there so y'all know what to expect now. Since I'm very strict with myself a lot, I've been pumping out chapters daily for.... most of the time this book has been out, and I've decided maybe it's better to stop doing that now, since sometimes chapters seemed more rush because I just wanted to get one out. Of course I still love to write, but daily uploads is a lot a definitely took a toll on me. So from now on, I'll try to update whenever I can. It'll probably be like 1-2 days per chapter.  Hope y'all are fine with the change.

-Writer out

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