Chapter 9: So that's why.....

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Gwen POV:

I swing through the city, looking for crime, gracefully going through the air.... Until... the headache hits again. I fall hopelessly, but manage to get on a rooftop until I recover. What was that? My senses point me in a certain way though.... I have nothing to do, might as well go, Plus... maybe I'll find the root to this headache..... I swing around a few blocks, till I see a construction site... And I see a guy, face covered under a hoodie, walk into a seemingly empty construction site. I was about to call for them to be careful, and maybe they'll be in danger, when I realize this could be what the sense is showing me. Why it feels the same as school that day, I don't know.... But it doesn't hurt this much this time.... It's a weird but familiar buzz... Maybe it's leading me to some criminal hideout.... I'll just follow....

I watch as he jumps into a little hatch

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I watch as he jumps into a little hatch..... And after a bit, I slowly followed. Land on the ground quietly? Check. Now where did they go.....? My senses tell me.... Right... go right. I go right, but I hop in the ceiling to avoid any traps just in case this is well defended. Seems quiet..... My eyes snap into attention as I see a bit of light in the darkness.... It's a phone light. I looked away in surprise as a switch was turned and light poured into the room... I see the individual as they look at the wall.... I almost gasp in awe of the spray painting on the wall.... It is amazing... Looks incredibly familiar... Can't place it. Stop Gwen, focus on the target. He/she has some kind of thing in his arm, a puddle of glowing blue liquid on the ground?

3rd person POV:

Gwen starts crawling slowly out, exposing her body to the light. She sees the 'individual' holding a glowing spider..... Her eyes squint behind the mask... she knows the spider is familiar..... But her attention is grasped as the 'individual' starts screaming in pain. Her eyes widen behind the mask as the glowing spider seems to disappear out of thin air, into glowing blue liquid, which along with the puddle already on the ground, seems to absorb itself into the body of the individual, who's hooded self is revealed..... To be her friend. Miles. Gwen looks on in shock as Miles arms starts to glow blue, and then he... collapses. "No! No!" Gwen gasps as she drops from the ceiling. She watches as Miles's hands return to their normal color, and waits for him to wake, to no avail. "No....." Gwen mumbles as she cradles Miles's face while kneeling next to his unconscious body. 

(Just imagine it's Miles in the picture instead)

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(Just imagine it's Miles in the picture instead)

Gwen didn't know why, but she felt like her heart was crumbling in that moment, and she couldn't even bear to look at his unresponsive body. She didn't know why, but even though she had only known Miles for a week, there was such a strong connection between them.... And she feels like she lost it. And she blamed it on herself. If only she had just jumped in earlier, this could've been avoided. She felt tears roll down her cheek, as she grasped his limp hand harder. Crying for the first time in a long time, she was prepared to let the tears fall without objection, until she heard someone say.... "Huh?....."

Gwen hops back a few steps in surprise, but nonetheless releases a cry of relief, as she sees her friend start gaining consciousness, although seemingly in an incredibly weak state. "Where am I? What's going on?" Miles says. "It's me Gw-" Her mask shows a look of surprise, as she forgets that she's in costume. What will happen next?

What an ending right? I took a slightly different approach to my usual ones. Hope everyone is fine with that. But, what will happen next? What will Gwen do? Is miles ok? What's gonna happen to HIM next? Find out in the next chapter! 

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