Chapter 37: Shocker

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(It's Saturday, 11:00 pm at night. Date: November 14th.)

Gwen POV:

The past week or so has been such a blur.... Happened so quickly. I guess it's because I'm waiting for the day.... The day it'll happen. Which is tomorrow. November 15th... that day it tomorrow. I think about the events of the past week as I lie on my bed..... Stopping multiple street thugs and bank robberies with Miles...... crime seemed to be rampant for the week..... And how I finally finished sewing that thing. And how I started building the other thing...... using scraps, metals, and spray paint. School was fast too..... Miles helped me a lot with physics, and I feel like I did really well on the test because of it. Band was a breeze too..... Everything feels like it's been happening so fast. I sigh as I hop off my bed, and look at the mini project on the table...... I rub the sleep and tiredness out of my eyes, as I also pick up a screwdriver to work on it. It's tiring work, but it's worth it... It's for Miles.

-Time skip

I woke up to my alarm..... It's 10 a.m. I grab my phone instantly, and type happy birthday into my DMs with Miles..... And stop as I'm about to press send. He doesn't know I know. Almost forgot. I set down my phone and heaved a sigh. Despite my confidence in my voice in practice..... I still can't get over the stress of being a main singer, even if it's only for one song. The whole crowd..... All looking at me. I've never been good in front of an audience.... Like I guess in front of a crowd of people I know it'll be fine... and if I have friends.... But in this case I'll be almost alone, and the center of attention of the show. And even Miles..... I'm scared about how he'll feel when it actually happens. I remember what my old dancing tutor used to tell me before performances.... 'Breathe in.... Breathe out. Forget about everything. Once you fully do that, you'll be in your element. Sink into your own world... and blossom like a flower, unfold you beauty'

I breathe in and breathe out and I feel my nerves leave me slightly. I get up, and go grab breakfast.

-Time skip

3rd person POV:

Gwen walked into the band practice room as she munched on a sandwich she bought on the way there. "Gwen! It's 2 already! Why are you so late?" Gwen ran her hand through her hair in embarrassment. "I was..... Working on something." She knew she was about 10 minutes late. Something most people would let off.... But MJ.... she would destroy you for being 10 seconds late. "On what?" She looked at Gwen skeptically. Gwen just nervously walked past, saying "Something for someone" MJ watched as Gwen got her drumsticks out of her bag, and smirked knowing who was the person in question. Shocker. Obviously it was for Miles. "Oh.... Miles.... " She teased. Gwen's face turned beet red, but she didn't want to talk back. She had to focus on practice now.

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