Chapter 8: Glowing?

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Gwen POV:

I can't believe Miles did that... And he didn't even mean to do that... he's cute like that... Wait. No. I didn't say that. I didn't. I meant he's cute like a child. That is it. I'm thrown out of my mental battle as I run into the New York traffic. Ugh. This is one of the worst times of the week.... But let's get through it....

-Time skip

I got home... to see my dad making food. I lick my lips in eagerness as my dad looks at me and winks. What would I do without him and his amazing cooking. "How's my little girl?" he asks as he gives me a big bear hug. "Good. No crimes to deal with?" I ask even though I know the answer. "No... crime rate is low recently. Thanks to you I can assume?" "No.... I only went out 2 times to patrol for the past week.... Didn't have to do much." (Yes. Gwen's dad knows in this universe. It makes it easier for me not to need to think of how to write that part out.) "Anything new this week?" He asks as he hands me a bowl of fried rice he made. I scoff down some food as I answer "Not much. Did well in my bio test though." "Biology? I thought that was your weakness." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Well... I had a good study partner." My dad raises his eyebrow at me again, but doesn't press further. I love how he's like this. Doesn't over ask, but also shows he cares. He knows I'll go find him if I need to.

Miles POV:

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Miles POV:

(Back to his 'situation') I need to find out what is going on with this. Then it hit me.... The spider that bit me that night with Uncle Aaron.... No...... I need to go check it out..... I put on a bigger hoodie that will fit me as I prepare to walk out the apartment. "Miles, where are you going?" Shoot. Didn't think about mom. "Uh.... I'm gonna go get some pizza.... Love your food, but haven't eaten pizza in a while." Mom seems to buy that. Thank god. I walk out and I make a beeline for Uncle Aaron's apartment. I call him, but there's no response. Bummer. I'll have to find out for myself......

Gwen POV:

I finished all my homework for the weekend, and I decided to try to call Miles and ask what he's doing.... But he doesn't read it. I wait a bit. And I wait longer. And finally my phone buzzes. I shoot out of the bed in anticipation, only to sigh as the notification was from MJ asking what time we'll train on the weekend. I don't feel like answering her. But Miles not replying... is bumming me out for some reason.... C'mon Gwen, he has a life like everyone else.... I'm sure he'll pick up later. I decided to clear my thoughts by going swinging.......

Miles POV:

I walked through the construction site, through the little gap Uncle Aaron taught me. I go down the tunnel into the bigger tunnel system..... And turn on my phone flashlight.... Which way now.... Right... I go right. I walk down the pathway, and with the light from my phone, locate the light switch.... And I walk around, admiring my own work, before reminding myself what I came here for. The spider. To prove that I'm not a spider person? I walk around looking at the ground, before I look around before something catches my eyes. A glowing thing. I picked it up, before realizing it was the spider that bit me that night. I'm just confused though. With my interest in insects and animals from my youth, I thought I would be able to know what this is... This spider seems different.... It's glowing blue, and there seems to be a glowing puddle of liquid where it fell. I contemplate what to do next until.... My hand starts burning.... The spider starts disintegrating..... And it's BLUE BLOOD IS GOING INTO MY SKIN. I see my skin glow as I try to do something, but what can I do? Then I panic as I see that tiny puddle on the floor also go into my hand... disappearing...... And my head starts hurting.... Just like that day at school.... Just worse.. Ugh.......


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There we go! Idk if it is, but this chapter feels shorter. Definitely less eventful chapter, there will be more stuff coming up soon I've got so much planned :D 

What's going on with Miles though? What will happen to him? What does the glowing arms mean? How will he deal with this? Guess in the comments, and you'll find out soon if you're right or not! 

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