Chapter 47: Margo...

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3rd person POV:

A maniacal laugh filled the air as Margo Kess's hands once again were filled with a magical glow, and rings of glowing power surrounded them once again. Gwen tensed again as her spider sense alerted her of danger.... and she dodged as 2 rings of glowing energy were yet again thrown at her. Gwen gritted her teeth as she thought about what to do. She had no suit, no way to call for help. Her only hope was that Miles had brought his and could save the day. She kept dodging as Margo followed, laughing and taunting her seemingly defenseless victim (if only she knew who she was fighting.). "Keep running honey, You're just delaying the inevitable." Gwen panted a bit as she leaned on a tree. She had been running for a while and she groaned in pain, as some of the impacts of the blasts caused cuts that annoyingly pricked her skin. She knew she had to buy time for someone, anyone to save her, so she reverted to small-talk (Ah yes, the greatest weapon ever created.) "Is this what you do to all your so-called victims? Kill them so they never talk to Miles?" To Gwen's surprise, she seemed to stop for a bit. "Why do you wanna know?" Gwen racked her head for an answer other than saying the truth and telling the curly-haired glowing girl in front of her she was stalling for time so her superhero boyfriend would hopefully save her. Then she remembered what Miles did when he fought crime. Saying goofy stuff that seemed inappropriate to her but.... Was also funny to her just cause... It was Miles.

"Just curious?" She shrugged. Margo, to her surprise, laughed. "You're just like Miles. Shame we couldn't be friends though. And for your information, no. I used to threaten anyone that dared even approach Miles with the threat of death. But I couldn't kill them. It would have been too suspicious with the amount of people that would be seen dead right after being with me. Plus... I didn't have these glorious powers before.... Somebody gave this to me." Gwen nursed her bruised shoulder as she continued the talk. "If your powers are so.... Glorious.... Why didn't you just take over the city huh? Then you'll have Miles all to yourself." Margo just rolled her eyes. "That stupid hero, Spider-Woman, or whatever. Always around. I probably don't stand a chance. But now I think about it.... It's not a bad idea. I can rule the city with these powers. And then maybe the country... and further on...... And your death will start my reign..." She trailed off as her eyes glowed, and energy formed around her arms..... "Shit." Gwen said as she jumped.

-Time skip

Gwen lays behind a tree as she gives herself time to breathe. It felt like she was being chased for hours, but in reality it was probably around ten minutes. She panted and she slammed the tree in anger. Why did she not bring her suit? She brought it with her all the time.... And the one time she let her guard down and didn't.... This happens. As she stood up to continue running, the tree in front of her almost disintegrated. Gwen cussed under her breath as Margo Kess appeared in the air, cackling in laughter that was full of malice. "Got you," She said evilly as her armed charged with power. As she prepared to shoot it at Gwen, a blue blast of energy slammed Margo to a nearby tree, where she grumbled in anger. "Who the-" Gwen smiled gleefully as she knew who it was.... And a figure in a black and red suit appeared, hands glowing with bright orange lightning. "Took you long enough," She said to Miles, who's masked eyes rolled at her. "Go get em tiger" (I know it's MJ's line but like whatever.) She said to Miles, pulling his mask up a bit and giving him a peck on the cheek. Miles nodded at her, and jumped into action.

-Time skip

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-Time skip

Miles was fighting well, but Gwen could tell his inexperience was showing. In his fighting, his approach.... His use of his powers. And his web swinging. He clearly wasn't used to it yet, and couldn't use it to its full potential. And Gwen noticed he was more quiet than usual. Usually, he'll make jokes while fighting, laugh and be more casual. But this time, he was just quiet, a bit more like her, in her own mind. But she realized..... This was probably because it was Margo. Whether he's doing it because he's scared she'll figure out he's.... Well Miles, or he just doesn't know what to say to that girl.... She didn't know, and she hoped it wasn't the latter. She watched as Miles crumbled to one blast, and she screamed in worry. There was a bit of a hole in one corner of the suit and... she could see blood. As Margo Kess swooped in for another blow, a kick to her face turned the glowing girl away into a nearby street. 

The prowler jumped in the scene, and he carried Miles, who was groaning in pain, into a nearby tree, where he plopped the injured boy on a tree and ran back to fight the girl

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The prowler jumped in the scene, and he carried Miles, who was groaning in pain, into a nearby tree, where he plopped the injured boy on a tree and ran back to fight the girl. Gwen slowly walked over to Miles, who was groaning in agony, causing her to worry. "You ok?" Miles asked, pointing to a big bruise to her shoulder, to Gwen's surprise. She was surprised he cared that much..... Even though they were dating. She just watched him get blasted through a tree, bleed and yell in pain, yet he's still asking her if she's ok. She scoffed. "The bleeding person is asking me if I'm ok. Now I've seen it all." Miles chuckled, which calmed Gwen down. At least he still had the energy to laugh. "Can you get your suit?" Miles asked her. She scowled at him. "No way I'm leaving your side now. What if something happens" Miles smiled at her. "Hey are you trying to say I can't fend for myself?" Gwen just smiled and looked at the bleeding shoulder Miles had, to which Miles just rolled his eyes. "Plus I've got Prowler-" He said, and at that moment,

Prowler crashed onto the dirt right next to them. 

There we go! Miles comes in to save the day!..... but he's not strong enough. Then Prowler!.... he might also not be strong enough. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter. 

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