Chapter 45: Morales

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3rd person POV:


Gwen said sternly to Miles, who took a deep breath and sighed, before nodding in defeat. He went on and explained everything about Margo (check chapters 17 & 18 for more context if you forgot.). From how he met her, to how he was bullied, to how he was defended constantly by her, and eventually how he fell in love with her (He tensed up at this point, but Gwen held his hand and ensured him she was fine with it, it was the past.); and eventually the heartbreaking moment where Flash Thompson, the person he probably hated most in the world (probably multiverse) had somehow stolen the one friend he had.... also the person he loved. Gwen listened quietly throughout, silently offering encouragement by at times squeezing his arm and also motioning him to continue whenever he seemed to stop, and generally just help make sure he was OK.

When Miles had finished, he felt a huge weight had been lifted off his chest. No, he didn't get an understanding of the situation fully, no he didn't just forget his past pain, but just..... saying it out loud made it all better. He realized all this time he kept it to himself.... and it was eating him up inside, causing him pain that he didn't even understand. And Gwen..... her presence made everything more comfortable..... Made such a tough topic easier to bring up. As he finished, he felt unbridled tears come to his eyes again.... And this time he didn't try to fight them. He let them freely roll down his face, and drip down his chin. Because he had Gwen there with him. All his life, Miles hadn't had many friends. And with his parents always being out with their jobs, he learnt to be dependent on himself, and rely on nobody else. But now he didn't have to suffer alone. He had someone to rely on, a shoulder to cry on. He had Gwen. The person he loved down to the ends of the Earth. He smiled as Gwen slowly wiped some of the tears from his face, and then she pulled him into a hug, which obviously he didn't resist.

"Feels good to let it out, doesn't it?" She asked Miles, who nodded in response. "Definitely doesn't fix everything, but definitely feels better," Replies Miles, as he finally started to slowly wipe the tears away. "You can't escape the past...." Gwen trailed off. "So it's best to deal with it, face it, and get over it. Focus on the future. And I'll be there for you every step of the way." She finished, and Miles smiled at the final line. "You're the best, aren't you?" he smirked at her. "I know," The blonde-haired girl replied.

-Time skip

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-Time skip

Miles and Gwen sat in the stands and watched as Visions's rugby team played against Miles's old school, Brooklyn High's rugby team against each other. Gwen was happy to see that 'Flash' kid has a black eye from the impact with the water fountain, and it obviously hindered his performance. She wondered aloud why she wasn't somehow reported for the event, for Miles to laugh and say the guy had too much pride to admit aloud he got beat by a girl that badly. Gwen chuckled, and munched on the popcorn that Miles had bought for the two of them. Miles then excused himself to go to the bathroom, and after a while, Gwen had realized he had gone on for far too long for her comfort, and moved away. As she turned to behind the bleachers, she found Miles..... Rolled up and curled like a ball, talking to himself. Gwen ran to him, kissed his cheek, and asked what was wrong. "I saw..... Her.." Miles meekly responded. Gwen raised her eyebrows, and asked "Who?" Miles took a deep breath before answering. "Margo."

(Tbh I considered making this a cliffhanger instead, but I'll be nice to you guys. I've done enough. For now 😉.)


The name rang through Gwen's head like a bell

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The name rang through Gwen's head like a bell. A mix of confusions ran through her head; confusion, anger, and a twinge of jealousy. She was confused by why the girl was here, she was angry about what she did to Miles 'how could anyone do that to such a sweet boy?' She thought. But she was also a bit jealous.... Although it was the past, and she trusted Miles, she didn't like how much the boy still cared about her. "You'll be fine ok?" Gwen said to Miles, who pulled her into a hug. "I'm just glad you're here now." he says, to Gwen's happiness. "What will you do without me Morales?" She asked teasingly, bopping him on the noose. Miles laughed in response, and just pulled her tighter into the hug. The two then separated, and an awkward silence filled the space. "Our inability to fully express our emotions is gonna make this hard for a while isn't it?" Miles said, scratching his head. "It is....." Gwen chuckled in embarrassment, subconsciously copying Miles and also having her hand in her hair. Miles laced his fingers in hers, and Gwen looked up with her eyes widened. "Then let's go through it together," he said to her. She nodded.

The two walk back to the benches, right as the whistle blows for half time. As the two sit down and grab back their food, someone yells something in their direction, and the two look towards it, surprised.


And here we go! Who called Miles's name.......? 

P.S. Just so you guys know what's gonna come next, there's gonna be like maybe 2-3 more chapters finishing this current situation up, then maybe like 3 chapters of an event happening, then I've got this big arc lined up for you guys. How's the sound? 

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