Chapter 11: Mysterious hero?

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Gwen POV:

I contemplate my options... I can go for something, but I need to distract Miles.... As I try to think of something, the sounds of fighting break out, and smoke breaks out of the bank. I use the smoke as a cover to get closer, but as I look through the smoke, I see a man beating the criminals, looking like he's not losing a sweat. At least I assume so, the voice I can hear from the masked man is very deep. Someone grabs my hand, and I retaliate with a punch to the stomach, just to realize it's Miles. "Ouch...." he says. Guilt rises in me as I find the words to say. He stands up quickly though; "I'm ok, let's just go..... The purple man seems to have this." He gives me a smile of reassurance, and that's when I remember the events of the day before.... He also has spider powers. He's tough. But I still should be cautious around him; but he could be hurt. I look back, preparing to potentially help the masked man, but I turn in surprise as the scene is cleaned up and the criminals are tied up, as police just started to show up at the scene. I sigh in relief as I turn to Miles, who I realized is gone. I realize he's already running his way to the entrance of the arcade. "MILES!!!!" I scream, running after him, as he turns, sticks out his tongue, and starts speeding up.

-Time skip

Miles POV: 

"You have to be cheating!" Gwen just sticks her tongue out at me, and winks at me. "What happened to the I'll dominate the arcade big guy?" Gwen teased. I roll my eyes. I did indeed say that, but at the same time I didn't completely get trashed by her. At least I won a few. I mean there is a bright side to losing to her. Like her smile. Or her giggle. That little laugh she would do when she teased me.... "Miles? Miles....?" I snap back to reality as I hear Gwen talk. "Yes?" "I was saying.... I should probably go soon, so let's grab food." "Oh. Ok" I say as we walk towards the food stalls. My wallet is not gonna be happy about today, but hey, I promised.

(After we got our food) "So.. whatcha doing after this?" I ask. "Band stuff.... MJ made me." she answered "Speaking of MJ... Are you finally ready to meet my friends?" I gulped in nervousness. "Sure....?" She laughed. "C'mon, they're my friends, not demons.... They won't burn you alive.... Maybe their questions will though ...." She laughs through the last part. I sweat. "What's that supposed to mean???" I ask. She winks at me as she says, "nothing! Nothing.." She laughs as she munches on her burger. She looks at her phone as she says. "Ok, I should go. Time's ticking for me, I don't wanna be that late." I don't want her to leave, I had such a good time today, but hey, she has a life. She has stuff to do. I watch as she packs her things, munching on her burger in the process. "Bye Miles." She says. I look at her for a bit, before giving her a small smile and replying, "Bye Gwen."

Gwen POV:

That was... fun. Miles honestly is just fun to be with... I just feel so good around him.... It's all on his goofy little personality. I just can't help smiling when he smiles, can't help laughing at his occasional corny jokes and his seemingly growing confidence. Can't believe just a week ago he was this timid kid who got scared when I tapped him on the shoulder. I can't help but be happy that I helped him though... He seems to be enjoying himself, and I find myself doing the same when he does. Oh, it's my stop ! I hop off my train carriage and head to the little band room on school campus

-Mini time skip

I walk into the room to see the others setting up. There's MJ setting up the mic, Betty is on the second guitar, Felicia is on the lead guitar, and Cindy is on her stage piano (electrical piano). My drums are sitting there, almost welcoming me back as I pull out my drumsticks out in anticipation. As I walk to the stage, MJ asks "How was the date?" I put my hand on my temples to avoid another explosive reaction. "MJ, I said it again, Miles and I are friends." MJ yet again just laughs, gives me a big smile, and then doesn't reply. It's like this morning. She's so annoying sometimes. The other members seem interested though. Thank MJ.... "She's not wrong though..." Thanks Betty, like I needed that. "Maybe she's not lying." Good to know I can always rely on Cindy not giving a fuck but also caring. She's weird like that. "That cutie Miles....? Gwen's with him? Ohhhh." That comment, I don't know why but it just infuriates me. The fact that she would say that about Miles. MY friend. This girl. Felicia. Felicia Hardy, I never liked her too much. But MJ said she was talented, which I agreed with, but doesn't mean I have to like her.... "Ok guys lets work on our songs." Thanks MJ. Usually she'll let me suffer, but with our competition in a few weeks, we have to practice.

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