Chapter 36: Let's do this

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Gwen POV:

"Speaking of me on the drums, do you wanna see me on stage with the band for our competition?"

It took a lot of effort to say those words. I'm so nervous about his response..... But I look up and see Miles grinning. "Of course I would!" He replied excitedly. It felt like a massive weight came off my shoulders as he said that. It was so much pressure to not only ask him, but to get a good response out of him. But luckily..... He didn't need convincing. I watched as he asked me for details. As I told him the dates and everything, he stopped for a bit. Then he said "Yes, it all works for me." I smile to myself, knowing that he doesn't know that I know that it's his birthday on that day and...... it'll be quite the surprise for him when this all happens.

-Time skip (The next day)

3rd person POV:

The band is practicing again, and Gwen for now is still on the drums. After a while, the group stops to rest, and Gwen gets off the drums. MJ looks at her, and the two share a look of understanding. MJ knows it's time. "Ok guys we finished the first song..... Now for the second one." Betty and Cindy stare at Gwen as she takes off her jacket, and starts preparing herself. After the break, the 3 other girls started to back to their positions for the song, except they had to move the drum, and MJ wasn't center stage this time as she always has been. MJ tapped her foot in her signature 'go' for the group to start the song, but they slowly stop the instruments as they realize Gwen hasn't spoken yet. MJ holds out her hand to pause and walks up to Gwen, who seems to be frozen in fear. "You ok?" She asks Gwen. Gwen nods her head, answering no.

                                                           (Can anyone guess where this is from?) 

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                                                           (Can anyone guess where this is from?) 

MJ asked "What's wrong?" Gwen still looked pale. "I'm just imagining myself as center stage..... I don't know if I can do it. This is your element MJ. The center of attention. Not me. I can't do this." MJ grabbed her hands. "Yes you can. Gwendolyn Stacy, you are one of the best and most talented people I know. Nothing's gonna stop you ok? Nothing." Gwen hugged MJ as she took in the words. "I...I don't know if I can. Just so much... stress. So much pressure. I've seen it before before our shows. Everyone's looking. It's.... Scary. " MJ sighed. "Look Gwen, just think about Miles. Think about him. Just think about one person, which is Miles. Just him and only him. Think about him and nobody else."

Gwen sighed and closed her eyes to think

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Gwen sighed and closed her eyes to think. Then she thought of Miles. That boy.... Who always made her laugh. Always made her smile. She thought about him in action with her, fighting Octavius, Tombstone, and many others. How.... good he looked in action. How he always somehow effortlessly takes her breath away with his brain. She thought about his incredible art, and it led to the drawing he did for her, and how much it meant to her. Then finally she thought about what HE meant to her. How he stole her heart. How her heart skips a beat and her mind goes blank whenever he does something nice. How big her smile was in the morning whenever she sees a text from him, or sees that big smile in the morning. And finally.... She thought about how much she....loved him. Every part of him. Everything he did. Gwen finally released a breath, and she composed herself. All her nerves seemed to disappear "Let's do this"

Gwen sang her heart out. All she had to do was close her eyes, think about Miles, and everything seemed.... To click. She felt confident. Fine. She didn't feel scared, and the feeling felt great... it felt like she was singing her feelings out. Especially considering the lyrics, and the context of how they're gonna be used very soon. As they finished the song, Gwen panted. She was tired. As she looked around to her bandmates to see how they felt about it, she saw them just gaping at her. Mouth wide, just staring at her. That's when she realized she didn't quite hear MJ sing her part. MJ was still almost in a trance, her hands pricking at the guitar strings, as she looked on in awe. Betty was the first to speak. "Gwen.... That was beautiful... I never knew." Gwen looked down in embarrassment. "It wasn't that good....." She said to the others. "Oh trust me it was... Gwen, trust me it was'' MJ said as she finally seemed to come to her senses. "That was amazing. If you keep doing that, we'll win the event." Gwen blushed at the praise. "It's not that good...." She said in embarrassment.

-Time skip

They just finished the song again after a few practices, and as they sat down to rest, Miles walked in, face full of awe. Gwen waved, and Miles waved back, before asking "Was that you guys?" He asked. "What was us?" Gwen asked, looking at Miles in confusion. "That singing.... Was so good." Miles said, looking at them "I heard it on the stairs.... On my way here. I heard a girl sing.... And it was beautiful." Gwen blushed, and looked away, knowing it was her. But MJ came in clutch. "I dunno, is my singing that good? Plus this is a music building. Could be a different year. Of a different team. We can't tell, we're the ones in the soundproof rooms. Some teams have doors open, so I dunno. Gwen was still looking at her shoes, suddenly finding an interest in retyping them just to not look at Miles. She knew looking at him would expose too much. Miles just seemed.... To know her too well. Another thing she loved about him. "Oh." Miles said, almost seemingly disappointed. "I'll go to the bathroom, I'll be back" Miles said, and he headed out. Gwen looked up as he walked out. "Thanks MJ," Gwen said, gratefulness very apparent in her voice. She knew she was too nervous to talk to Miles then, and likely would've somehow ruined the surprise then. But MJ had saved her. MJ winked at her. "Aw... someone's nervous...." Gwen glared at her, but she knows nothing she says can retaliate. MJ just laughed. She loved annoying Gwen. "I won't ruin the surprise for you. But we know he heard you. We're like the only ones that train on this day of the week, and our door was open so......" MJ trailed off, looking at Gwen. She was surprised to see Gwen standing up. She had collected herself, a confident smile plastered on her face.

"C'mon guys, Let's do this" 

And that it ya'll. How'd you feel about this chapter? There's less action yes, but it's necessary to me in terms of character development and also building up the story, which I really enjoy doing.

P.S. If anyone can guess where that picture of Gwen is from, they get a shoutout next chapter 😉.

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