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114 AC
Kings landing

"HE DID WHAT?!" The kings voice echoed through the halls.

"Your grace, we need orders on how to continue."

Viserys stood up and filled with anger and worry, he spoke.

"Send a hundred men east, and tell them to find my brother and bring him here, by any means necessary."

"Yes, your grace." The knight hurried away, immediately readying himself and the men for a long and deadly path.


"Daemon went to Old Valyria?! Why?!" A maester questioned at the small council meeting that the king had urgently arranged.

"What?" Rhaenyra said to herself at the back of the room.

"I got a raven this morning, saying that he was seen flying there by the people of Essos. They reported it to me immediately. They didn't know why he went."

"Who knows what could happen or has already happened. We all know the story of Aerea Targaryen."

Viserys turned his gaze on his lap, resting his forehead on his hand.

"Someone's going there now, right?" Rhaenyra asked, trying to keep a calm tone.

"Yes, I sent men there when I heard."

Viserys watched Rhaenyra's shaky hands as she poured the wine.

"Has he ever showed any interest towards the place?"

"None that I've heard of. He knows well the dangers and stories of Valyria."

"We all should keep this information quiet. The people cannot know, it'll just create more unwanted attention."

"Agreed." Many said.


114 AC Five days later

As the sun started to set, a blood red dragon appeared in the sky, a laying body on it's back.

The king hurried outside to witness the dragon assumed dead among it's rider, to see them both alive, though wounded. The body sat still, not making an effort to move.

"Daemon?" He whispered.

The two landed near the king, Daemon staying still, with his gaze forward.

"Get the maesters! Viserys yelled, before seeing the body of his brother slowly fall of his dragons's back, sliding off the dragon onto the ground.

As Viserys went down on his knees right next to the prince, more people started showing up, including his lady wife, Alicent, his daughter Rhaenyra and many others, most of them being from the small council.

But what Viserys saw tighty held on his brother's arms, was a dragon egg, at least trice the size of a normal dragon egg coverd in coal, with bits of the shell almost falling of. It was clear that this was no ordinary egg, this was old and full of magic, he could feel the familiarity when he went closer, almost feeling a pull towards it.

He looked back at his badly wounded brother, whose face was partly burned, body full of blood and dirt stains, the armor almost falling to pieces. With all the strength that the old man had left, he lifted the unconscious body that still held the egg, and gave it to a near maester. "Make sure he will recover." He ordered.


Two days later, the rogue prince woke up. The first thing he felt, was the ammense pain. His face and chest felt like they were burning, and his right leg felt numb, like it wasn't even there. However, the first thing he said after he opened his eyes, was the thing that had been the object of his thoughts for the whole war.

"Th-the egg?" Was all he manedged to say, and all he had to say.

A sleepy Rhaenyra was brought back into reality from her thoughts, as she heard her uncle finally speak.

"Daemon?" With a wide smile she dropped herself to the ground, placing her hands on his bed.

"H-how are you?" She blurted out.

"Wh-where is it?" He whispered.

"I can't believe it, your alive! How's the pain? Oh I'm so glad you woke up."

"Ser!" She yelled at the guard on the other side of the door. The man soon walked inside.

"Go tell father that he woke up." She smiled.

"Rhaenyra, the-the egg, where is it?"

"It's safe, don't worry, uncle."

"No, no" he groaned, before trying to lift himself off of the bed.

"Lay back down, you need much rest. Father is coming soon!"

"No, Rhaenyra," he tried.

The doors bursted open, and walking in was a grinning king Viserys with his both hands wide on his sides.

"Ohh, dear brother, what a find you did! The egg is beautiful, likely even older than Vhagar!" He joyed.

He walked next to his daughter, taking Daemon's hand in his.

"What went through your mind, Daemon? You had a deathwish? You knew the dangers." His grin dropped.

"The egg, I want to get to it. I - I need to — can I please just see it?" He begged.

"You should rest —"

"Viserys!" He yelled out.

"Alright, alright. Rhaenyra, help me with him. Let's get him up."


"Isn't it amazing?" Viserys admired.

Daemon let go of Rhaenyra and Viserys, hurrying near the fire, where the egg rested. It had been cleaned, he observed. Now he saw the vibrant golden shell of the large egg.

He sighed calmly, a faint smile on his broken face.

"So you found it in Old Valyria, correct?"

Daemon hummed in response.

"This egg must be from the time of it's height. What do you think, will it hatch? Oh the dragons must of have been huge, concidering the size of this one. Just imagine the power, straight from the time when dragons and our magic were at it's strongest." Viserys hyped to Daemon.

He didn't really listen, he just, stared.


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