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129 AC

Everything went quiet.

Rhaenyra was nowhere to be seen.

Neither was Daemon.

Nor Valyria.


"T'was a girl." A man mumbled.

There was a brief silence, the pair listening the winds of Dragonstone.

"A sister." A young voice spoke.

"She named her too."



Valyria turned her gaze on her father, a saddened look on her eyes.

How can someone's heart ache for a sister she never got to meet?

"You're hurting, father. There is no shame in mourning."

He looked at his beautiful daughter with a fear in his eyes.

"T — this war —" He started.

"I want you to be safe, Valyria. You are all I have. My strong and wise daughter, you are my legacy." He told Valyria as he stroked her hair.

Valyria formed tears in her eyes.

She rarely cries, but when she does you know it's for a reason.

"I promise, father. I will never leave you without a child."

His face dropped to the ground.

"She is here, you know. The life of her lives in us." She continued.

And so they stayed like that, a father and a daughter.

And somewhere, she was watching them too.


Everyone gathered at the high hills of Dragonstone to mourn the passing of the princess who never was.

Rhaenyra was destroyed, looking at the inhumanly small casket.

Daemon was finally by her side.

Valyria was standing near the top of the hill, Jace beside her.

"The world is a cruel place. What could of had that babe done, to upset the gods?" Jace whispered, as he looked forward.

"She was innocent." He added.

"The gods do as they please. Not for a bigger meaning, or a purpose." Valyria answered.

Jace hymmed.

"Says the girl born from ashes, amongst her dragon."

Valyria rolled her eyes at him.

"Irudy and you seem to share your minds. You are one."

"I suppose." She said.


"I mean no harm, brothers." Everyone's eyes turned around, as ser Erryk walked up the hill.

He took out a crown. Not just any crown, but the crown of Viserys the first.

"I swear to ward the Queen — with all my strength"

Daemon and Rhaenyra looked at him in shock, while Valyria kept her expression blunt.

"— and give my blood for hers. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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