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129 AC            DRAGONSTONE

"Her term is far from complete."

"This should not be happening."

"It is fucking happening."

Valyria listened through the door as Rhaenyra started her delivery.

"Keep your head about you, Princess."

"We've done this five times before. Keep your spirit, and the sixth will be no different."

"Get off, get off, get off, get off! Ow, ow, ow."

Valyria finced as she listened to the yells of Rhaenyra.

She rushed her way down, onto the main hall as the cries of the princess quieted down, but still could be heard.

"I want patrols along the island's perimeter, looking for any small ships that might set ashore. If the Greens attack now, it will be by stealth —"

Daemon stopped as he heard his wife's screams.

"—not directly. We don't have enough men to surround the island, but we can make ourselves appear stronger than they are." He finished.

She wailed again.

"Conscript the Dragonkeepers. They're capable fighters. Waste no time."

"It will be done, my prince."

They saw as Valyria stormed in.

"Father, are you not hearing her! Stop plotting a war and care for your wife."

"Valyria now is not the time —"

"Aōha ābrazȳrys gaomas daor emagon jēda!"
(Your wife does not have the time!)

She stopped as everyone went quiet.

"This is not our war to start. That is what you said to me once." She tried to remind him.

"The war has already begun." He quickly answered, whispering.

She stared at him, recalling the night she said that to her father.

"A raven flew in this morning. The Sea Snake's fever has broken, and he has left Evenfall." Someone alarmed the prince.

"Where is he sailing?"

Valyria turned her head down, and stood next to her father.

If they aught to fight a war, might as well hear the plan.

"That much is unclear, my prince."

"We'll send ravens to our nearest allies, Lords Darklyn, Massey—"

Rhaenyra yelled in pain.

"— and Bar Emmon."

"Daemon!" Rhaenyra shouted.

He ignored her.

"Do you want to speak to the maester, my prince?"

Valyria stared at her father, but his eyes avoided hers.

"I'll fly to the Riverlands myself and affirm Lord Tully's support."

"No." Valyria said in a demanding voice.

"You will do no such thing. My mother has decreed no action be taken while she's abed." Jace walked in to the room, now standing by his betrothed.

"It's good you're here, young Prince. You're needed to patrol the skies on Vermax."


"Did you hear what I said?" Jace snapped.

Valyria bit her tongue.

"The ravens, Lord Bartimos. I shall see it done. Summon Ser Steffon. Our Kingsguard are needed on the Dragonmont." He ordered again.

"Come with me Jacarys, Valyria. I'll show you the true meaning of loyalty."


"You swore an oath as knights of the Kingsguard."

"As do all who wear the white cloak, my prince." They affirmed, outside of the castle with Jace and Val standing further away.

"To whom?"

"I swore first to King Jaehaerys, my prince. And then to His Grace, King Viserys, when he succeeded him."

"What is going on with Daemon? Why is he acting like this? Does he not care for his wife —"

Valyria looked down.

"He had his reasons. I know, what he is doing isn't right but he is trying."

"Do you acknowledge the true line of succession?" Daemon questioned.


"Yes, my prince."

"Do you recall who King Viserys named as his heir before his death?"

"Princess Rhaenyra."

"Hmm. I'm grateful for your long service to the Crown, so I'm presenting you with a choice."

The young prince and princess watched as Caraxes raised her head and roared at the knights.

"Swear anew your oath to Rhaenyra as your queen — and to Prince Jacaerys as the heir to the Iron Throne." Jace glanced at his betrothed, who started at her father enthusiastically.

"Or — if you support the usurper, speak it now — and you will have a clean and honorable death. But if you choose treachery, if you swear fealty now only to later turn your cloaks —know that you will die —screaming."

As guessed, everyone stayed quiet.


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