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"Why are you defending her? Isn't this what you always spoke about? Not starting a war?"

"The war has already begun, Valyria. We need to be on the winning side."

"I don't want to be involved with a war that isn't mine!"

"Valyria, if you do not wish to marry Jacarys —"

"This is not about that! I don't care about the marriage, I care about your motives! Why are you changing? Why do you have to always reach something bigger? I thought we were enough—"

He raised his hands on her elbows, bringing his head close to hers.

"You are enough. Do not ever think that you are anything but the only thing that keeps me sane. You, my daughter—"

"Am I? Really?" She snapped back, leaving him speechless.


"I thought we were a some kind of a miracle, Irudy and I. That we were born from ashes, and death — maybe, we were supposed to burn together."

"Do not — ever say that again. You are my daughter. Irudy is a part of you. This war — we have to win it. By any means necessary. I would never put you in any danger — all I want is for us to rule —"

"You mean Rhaenyra? She is to be the Queen, you only the King consort."

"— of course."

"I don't think you mean that."

"All I want, is for you to be safe. Don't go fight a war that isn't yours to win! I want my father, not this blood — and powerthirsty man that you are becoming!"

Daemon hugged her tight.

He knew, that he couldn't please his daughter, and win a war at the same time.

He couldn't do both.

Something had to go.


Valyria stormed off, with a fast pace.

She had just argued with Daemon, him still not giving her an answer.

"Valyria —?" A man's voice said as she turned around, wiping the tears off her face.

"What?" She answered with a sniff.

"You alright?" He questioned warily.

"Yes, Aemond. What is it?" She snapped.

"Where are you going?" He asked, more softly.

"Does it matter?"


"Out." She answered.

He sent her a confused look.

"I just need to catch some fresh air, maybe go ride on dragonback. I'll come back for supper." She explained, already making her way out.

"Let me come with you—"

"No. Aemond, that was a kind offer but I do need to be alone." As she turned around, he took her hand, and kept her from going

"Let — me go." She stared at him with her burning eyes.

He immediately let go of her hand, causing her to storm off.


"Jacarys? I need to speak with you." His mother said.

"I meant to speak with you too." He answered.

"Luke is wed? Why did I not hear about this sooner?"

"It was sudden."

"But — why only him?"

"Not only him. That is what I wanted to speak to you about."

"You will wed too."


"You have to know, it was to strengthen our claim, to make the people be on our side —"


"Valyria." She answered

Against what Rhaenyra assumed, he seemed not mad at all.




No, not mad at all.


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