chapter eight

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Eira was confused.

All she knew her whole life was that her mother was a witch and so that made her one, too. She didn't understand how her blood could do such a thing as letting a vampire walk in the sunlight.

"Of course I'm a witch, Eric," she argued.

"The blood of any witch wouldn't do that," he shook his head. "You're something else."

She frowned, "Like what?"

"What did your mother tell you?" Eric asked.

She only remembered learning about the powers of a witch. But there was something her mother always reminded her: never attempt to kill a vampire.

It was an odd warning but one she nevertheless uttered. She had it drilled into her system.

"Don't kill vampires," Eira muttered.

Eric furrowed his eyebrows in thought before he pushed her gently towards her bedroom up the stairs, "Come on. You're not staying here."

He wouldn't let her stay here any longer with a killer on the loose. But also he wouldn't let her stay as he took in the state of her window. He would have someone fix it.

"Okay," she agreed as they entered her room before giving him a look. "But you need to turn around."

He smirked in amusement as his eyes raked over in just a robe. She blushed before she did a little stomp with her foot and he thought it was so adorable. He reluctantly turned around as he sighed.

"And don't even think about looking," Eira commanded.

"You know I've killed people that have ordered me around."

       "Bet they weren't people you liked to kiss," she teased as she put on some clothes and he shook his head.

             When she was done, he turned and he grabbed her hand as pulled her along to go downstairs. Usually, he just grabbed her and they were gone. She furrowed her eyebrows, "Aren't we going to fly?"

          "Not yet," he answered as they stepped outside in the sunlight.

           He smiled as he closed his eyes to the feeling of the setting sun. Eira stared in bewilderment again; it was still so shocking. She half expected him to start burning.

             "You're not burning?" she asked in worry. "Or bleeding?"

              "No," he opened his eyes and they danced across her form in admiration. He could see how the sunlight shined in her hair and framed her face like a golden halo. He reached out and touched a strand as he uttered, "Beautiful."

          She blushed before he suddenly leaned over and kissed her senseless. He ran his hands through her hair that he could now see the sunlight shine on. She felt butterflies and her knees felt weak. When he pulled away, she was breathless.

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