chapter twenty-one

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Two weeks passed since the maenad had been killed. Her house had been a wreck but Eric had it cleaned up within one night. She had asked where he was the night Maryann was dealt with.

"Were you with the Queen?" she asked.


"Why did she keep you?" Eira asked.

"It doesn't concern you."

She studied him for a moment before she spoke, "You're not in trouble, are you?"

"No," he sighed before he pulled her into his arms while they stood in her bedroom; she didn't need to know that the Queen was having him sell vampire blood and that he was supposed to deal with Bill who knew about his side of the deal. "I'll be fine. Don't worry."

He kissed the top of her head to get her to relax and she did. She snuggled her head against his chest as she breathed out, "Okay. As long as you're sure."

He grinned slightly at her worry as he said softly, "I'm sure."

And she hadn't asked again about it. She trusted Eric to deal with whatever vampire business that it was. She had her own problems to deal with like cleaning out her mother's room.

She no longer felt sad being in the house anymore. Eric was with her most of the time so it wasn't like she was alone but she had happy memories at this house and she no longer thought of the one bad one. Her mother's dead body no longer haunted her mind. She was finally moving on from it.

Only days after the maenad died did she clean out her mother's room. She kept the things she wanted but got rid of everything else. Although, as she cleaned out the room, she found a box under the bed that she'd never seen before.

It was a black box that had strange markings on it. She opened it to find many weathered books. As she opened them, she realized that they were spell books full of dark magic.

She should've expected her mother would know such dark magic since she said she came from a dangerous coven. But these spells were just awful and torturous.

Eric had arrived in the night when she had been going through them. He looked surprised.

"What are you holding?" he had froze as he saw the cover of the book in her hands.

"They're the spell-books that my mother had," Eira said as she frowned at what she read. "They're so awful, Eric."

"Get rid of that one," Eric spoke in a hard tone.

"Why?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's necromancy," Eric said cautiously.

Her lips parted as she realized what that meant. Necromancy was magic to control the dead and vampires were dead things.

She immediately just made a simple thought and the book turned to ash in her hands. She gave a reassuring smile, "There."

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