chapter sixteen

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They took a private jet to Dallas. She and Sookie were actually on the plane while Bill and Jessica were in travel coffins in the cargo hold. Travel coffins. The world had changed so much since vampires revealed themselves and came out of the shadows.

Although, she'd always known about them due to her mother, the first one she met had been Eric. The vampire had never been far from her mind since that day. She currently puzzled over his behavior at Fangtasia and his words. She was unsure of almost everything now.

But she didn't have long to puzzle over it as their jet wasn't in the sky for very long. When they landed, there was a driver waiting for them. Leon.

He seemed very nervous about the fact that they had landed after dark. He was pushy with them about getting in the car before he tried to grab Sookie. Eira reacted quickly and flung her hand out, making Leon go flying backwards until he was forced against the side of the car where she kept him still and immobile.

"Holy shit!" Sookie felt her jaw drop.

Bill felt the fear from Sookie and broke out of his coffin that had been taken out of the cargo hold. He had his hand around the throat of the driver just after she flung him away and Bill threatened with his fangs bared, "Make a noise and it will be your last."

Before the man could respond, Jessica tried to break out of her coffin but only succeeded in knocking it off the equipment that held it, "How the hell does this thing open? Somebody help get me out of here. Help!"

Eira giggled before going to help her. She released the latches on the coffin and opened it. She smiled fondly down at the young vampire, "There you go."

"Thanks," Jessica smiled back as she stood out of the coffin. But then she smelt the scent of Eira and her blood as her fangs came out. "You smell so sweet. Can I taste your blood? Please, please, please."

"Jessica," Bill shouted. "You will not bite her or do her any harm. As your maker, I command you."

"I wasn't gonna bite her," Jessica crossed her arms. "I was asking to. It's called being polite, Bill."

Eira laughed and Jessica smiled proudly before pouting, "I like her. Why can't you be more fun like she is?"

Bill rolled his eyes.


       Bill had taught Jessica how to glamour people by having her practice with the driver that had tried to kidnap Sookie. The driver apparently was hired to kidnap Sookie and bring her to the Fellowship of the Sun church; Leon had no idea that another human would be with Sookie nor did he even know what Sookie was supposed to look like. He was just hired to get the human arriving with the Compton party.

           Now they were at the Hotel Carmilla. The young vampire was currently in charge of Leon while they checked in. They kept Leon around because Bill wanted to see if the driver knew anything further before glamoring him to believe that they never even arrived and letting him go.

          The hotel desk clerk looked up their names, "Eira Lockhart. You're in the penthouse suite."

The clerk slid her room key over, "Enjoy."

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