chapter twenty-two

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The next day when it was near the evening time, she went to see Sookie. The telepath opened the door and let her in as she furrowed her eyebrows, "Eira, what are you doing here?"

"I came to help look for Bill," Eira explained with a kind smile.

Sookie blinked in surprise, "Eira, you don't have to. I'm sure Eric wouldn't even want you to."

"But I want to," Eira stated. "If Eric went missing, I'd want someone to help me look for him."

Sookie smiled before Eira continued, "Now what did Jessica say?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, a vampire can call his progeny," Eira explained. "When I see it happen with Pam, usually, it's like a shiver."

"Oh my god, Eira," Sookie said as her heart filled with hope. "I could kiss you right now."

"Please, don't," Eira said in alarm like Sookie might actually do so. "Eric might kill you."

"I was joking," Sookie chuckled. "Now, let's go see Jessica."

They went out the door and walked the path through the cemetery that lead to the Compton house. As they walked, they talked.

"I'm sorry about last night," Sookie apologized. "But I was just worried about Bill."

"Oh, it's okay," Eira blushed a bit.

Sookie recalled the hickeys she saw on Eira's neck when she showed up before she teased, "But it seems like that didn't stop Eric."

"But" Eira stuttered. "We didn't."

"Oh," Sookie said in surprise before she asked hesitantly. "Have you ever?"

"No," Eira was now as a red as a tomato and she was grateful the dark hid her flaming cheeks. "Can we please change the subject?"

"Alright," Sookie agreed before saying happily. "Bill asked me to marry him."

"Really?" Eira practically squealed. "Well, did you say yes?"

"I didn't get to tell him. I went to the bathroom to think and then when I came out, he was gone," Sookie said sadly.

"Sorry," Eira apologized as they reached the porch of the Compton house.

They knocked on the door and Jessica answered. Sookie immediately let herself in but Eira smiled apologetically at the vampire as she followed, "Hi, Jessica."

"Hi, Eira," Jessica couldn't help but smile back.

"Has Bill called you?" Sookie immediately asked and Eira couldn't help but notice as she stepped inside that it smelt like something died.

"No. And I told you I would tell you if he did," Jessica crossed her arms.

"Not that kind of call," Eira said. "A vampire can call their progeny. They get kind of shivery. Have you felt anything like that?"

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