chapter nineteen

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Eira spent the rest of night kissing Eric and even through half the day. His hands roamed her legs and removed the stain that had lingered from in the church. But then he started to get bleeds and he had to sleep. Even though her blood allowed him to walk during the daylight, he would get the bleeds if he didn't sleep at some point and he had been awake for quite awhile.

So he slept and she tried to sleep as well while still being held in his arms. But she was a bit restless; she was just too happy to sleep. She still felt a rush of excitement as her blood seemed to buzz just by looking at him.

So she got dressed and left the suite they were in. She meandered around the hallways a bit before she went down to the lobby to eat something. Then she was going to go back to the suite as the sun was beginning to set but she saw Godric already awake. He was sitting on a velvet bench that was pressed against the UV-blocking glass windows as he stared out into the setting sun.

She approached him with a wide smile, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Godric turned his head slowly before giving her his attention. He stared at her bright smile as she looked out the window before sitting down next to him as she rambled, "You've probably seen a million sunsets but I feel like it's something that's never not beautiful. Each one is so different."

"They are," Godric agreed rather blankly before said rather wistfully. "But I've always preferred a sunrise."

"I used to think that before Eric," Eira said as her eyes seemed to sparkle just at the thought of him. "But then I met him and I couldn't wait for the sun to go down. The sunset became my favorite time because I knew I'd see him soon."

"You love him very much," Godric grinned slightly before he frowned. "He will need that."

She puzzled over his words, "Why would he need that?"

"Everyone needs love, little one," Godric replied mysteriously.

She stared at him for a moment debating on whether to acquire further before she spoke softly, "Godric, do you have many happy memories?"


"You should think of them more often," she suggested quietly and her voice betrayed her worry.

"Do not worry for me, little one," Godric gave her a short smile to reassure her before he gave her a delicate stare. "Worry for yourself and live a life much brighter than mine."

Eira frowned as the sun vanished completely. Then Godric stood before he spoke, "I must go."

And he disappeared as well.


Eira tried to tell Eric that something was off with Godric. He ignored the warning and simply responded that she didn't know him well enough. He didn't want to believe anything was wrong.

They were now in hotel room meeting with Nan Flanagan. Eira was sitting on a bench next to Sookie and Bill while Eric was in a chair beside her. Godric and Isabel were across from her while Nan sat at the front of the room.

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