5. Internal Injuries

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**Could've done better but I was busy

He stumbled into the portal leading to his white void, his feet having a mind of their own and walking their own path. He pulled on his chest, trying to help himself breathe knowing it wouldn't help his case. His ribs were broken, poking his heart and making it harder to breathe.

A cold liquid dripping from his ear sent shivers down his spine. Thinking it was a bug or something he swatted at it, it only worsened the already horrible headache he had. Covering his eyes with his hands the Anti-void became too much to look at so he moved to Outertale.

When he tried to get up and off the floor he couldn't help but stumble, his arms barely catching him. His shoulder hurt, like something was pulling on his nerves and or they were being pulled apart. The floor was just as bright as his surroundings, only worsening his vision and headache. He sighed and tried to get up, the sudden movement caused his head to feel as if someone had put a hammer to his skull.

Leaning on his knee he just decided to give up and stay in the void. He carefully set his body down and covered his eyes with his blue scarf. The dark blue was enough to settle his eyes but his headache persisted.

He tried to ignore everything but there was still something tickling his ear in a way. It felt cold and slimy as it fled through his ear. He felt something crawling down his nose and sniffed to hopefully pull it back, but it just kept falling. He cleaned his nose with his scarf, moving it off his face and facing the world once again.

His hands felt numb and the headache only worsened. He tried to move his hands but they wouldn't listen. Closing his eyes he just wanted to rest, taking a deep breath

And his ribs stabbed his heart and he died.

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