18. Illness / disease

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He didn't get sick often, but apparently overworking yourself does shit to your coding and now he was "under the weather" as Maple had put it. This new multiverse was no different than his own, the only major difference was that there was no balance to keep and that there were only a few universes. It took him a while but he was adjusting...well. enough

Apparently being in a different multiverse messes with your basic coding, totally not the trip through the void he took before.

It started with small glitches that would give him a headache, then to coughs whenever he ate anything, and soon he was crashing at random points and he could feel and hear everything while he was "out". This got the residence of the Multi-Void panicked and worried for his health. Their best doctors were the Dreamtale brothers, Blue, who had some degree in science, and the Reapertale  brothers, who knew many diseases and illnesses. They couldn't identify anything and Error only got worse. His headache persisted and he felt more exhausted. His kids worried for him, wanting to stay near but they weren't sure if this illness was contagious. They tried to look at what could've happened, maybe the new multiverse had a disease his didn't? Or maybe it's his body telling him to rest. Maybe it was his soul? They asked to check him and their answer was simply;

*His codes are having a hard time adjusting

That was it. It was only his code, nothing to worry about.

Yeah, no, it's just his entire person's internal makeup. No big deal.

Yes. Yes it was a big deal.

The glitches began to tingle as they covered his body. This startled him because his bones had long since gone numb to any form of stimulation for the past decades. If it was starting to affect him, then maybe a look into his codes would help.

His investigation had to come sooner as anyone touching him during these spasms seemed to be hurt greatly. They nearly lost Void due to this and he wasn't willing to risk any other child's life.

That night he sat awake, in his chair next to the bed his kids slept on. They wanted to stay as close as they possibly could to their father, even if they couldn't physically touch him or kiss away his own pain. It was cute that they still had that child naivety even with what they've been through. The codes showed a variety of different settings, ones and zeros quickly flew past the screen trying to become more and more illegible as he stared at them. Unfortunately it seemed to be working as Error's headache grew and his sockets began to sting.

He held his head and rubbed his eyes awake, looking back at the codes proved useless as they just became ones and zeros instead of something understandable. He couldn't read any of it and to make matters worse, a very heavy wave of glitches covered his person. They poked and prodded at his bones, opening a few old wounds and disconnecting a few pieces of himself into the thin air before reconnecting it to his body.  HIs throat became sore and it was harder to breath, feeling as if someone had hit his throat or messed with his voice box.

His body twitched causing more glitches to attack his body. He was powerless in this situation, unable to do anything about his degrading codes or his own physical body. He didn't like feeling like he was powerless. After years of being able to destroy universes with a flick of his hand, he's barely able to stay conscious as his own body attacked itself.

He was helpless. And he hated it

**I was elbowed in the throat yesterday and now I'm ill

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