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Kenzie's POV;

I woke up next to Harry. Turning my head to the side he was lying next to me, I could feel his soft breaths against my neck. He was still fast asleep. I slowly and carefully got out of bed, trying not to make my headache any worse and also making sure I didn't disturb Harry. I saw Louis lying on the sofa in front of the bed near the balcony doors. He was also asleep.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside and walked towards the bathroom. As I walked towards the bathroom, I checked my phone. I didn't realise it was still quite early in the morning until I looked at the clock. It said it was 6:32am.

I noticed I had a message from Mazie.

Harry had told Niall that you were sick who has told me. I hope you're okay. I'll come see you as soon as I wake up. Love you x

She sent it last night at 9pm. I didn't bother to message back.

The Minneapolis show was tonight and I'm hoping I will be feeling better to do the show. I reckon Harry will tell me to skip soundcheck which won't make the management happy but my health comes first. Harry has always told me that since the beginning.

When I got in the bathroom, I hurried over to the cabinet; looking through it to see if I could find any paracetamol or ibuprofen. I couldn't find anything, all that was in the cabinet was a first aid kit which didn't have any tablets. I stood back up quickly by accident, causing myself to go a little dizzy. I grabbed hold of the countertop as I tried to hold my balance. Having a headache didn't help me and I started to feel sick again.

"Bloody hell." I whispered to myself, making my way to the toilet. I wasn't 100 percent sure if I was going to throw up or not but I wanted to be safe.

I sat down against the bathtub with my knees up and my arms leaning on them. I closed my eyes so I could try and relax.


Harry's POV;

As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I couldn't feel any weight on the other side of the bed. I turned my head to see that Kenzie was missing. I got up quickly, looking around the room but I couldn't see Kenzie anywhere. Louis was still sleeping on the sofa.

"Kenzie?" I whispered, I then figured she would be in the bathroom.

I opened the door slowly and saw she was lying against the bathtub with her eyes shut. I walked over to her and squatted down in front of her.

"Kenzie?" I whispered again but she didn't budge. I grabbed hold of her hand and stroked it softly, this caused her to open her eyes, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I've just got a migraine which is making me feel sick." She answered

"Have you looked for some paracetamol?" I asked and she gave me a nod.

"There's none." She replied, I nodded but double checked the cabinet anyways.

"I'll get one of the boys to get some from the shops." I said, she nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Is Louis still asleep?" She asked, I nodded, "what time is it?"

I grabbed her phone from the countertop and checked the time.

"Seven o'clock." I replied, she raised her eyebrows.

"I fell asleep? Last time I checked it was half six." She said in shock, I gave her a small nod.

I'm leaving tonight. [h.s]Where stories live. Discover now