Chapter 11

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A picture, eh? Better be some important information about what the hell just happened.

Tyler: "Sure, you did. Listen we're in the 21st century. there are a billion-in-one ways in using technology to trick people."

Again, technology today isnt that advanced yet!

Tyler: "Whatever you took a photo of is what they wanted you to."

He stands up, and walks to his bedroom.

Tyler: "If you guys want to waste your time spouting nonsense, Go right for it. I'm going to bed."

He enters the bedroom, and shuts the door behind him.

Carter: "...Jeez, rude much?"

I suddenly hear a pencil snap, as I look at Ben as the cause. I can tell that he is annoyed by Tyler. I would too, but I dont.
Aiden looks at the broken pencil, then at Ben.

Aiden: "Yeah, I don't care for him much either. Need to go for a walk?"

Ben: Head shake

Aiden: "Alrighty then."

Me, Aiden, and Ben walk towards Logan, startling him a bit.

Aiden: "Let's see what photo is this about."

We all take a look at the picture, only to see something unpleasant.

Aiden: "Well, isnt that strange."

Carter: "Only me and Ashy are standing."

Aiden: "But there are three shadows."

Somehow, me and Aiden finish eachothers sentence, as if we formed a mental bond.

Looking at Ben, I can immediately tell that he is really creeped out about this.

Aiden: "Ah you goin to bed?"

Ben: Nod

Ben then enters the bedroom.

Aiden: "Lol he didn't last very long. He's always freaked out by things like this."

Carter & Logan: "You arent?"

Aiden: "Nah, I find it pretty entertaining, even if it ends up fake."

Carter: "Good for you, I guess."

I look at Logan, and based on his expression, I bet he is thinking "How?", "Aiden finds it fun?", and "Its terrifying."

Carter: "Logan, if I were you, I'd be more worried about where I'll be sleeping."

Aiden: "Yeah, you having to share a bed with the halfwit back there."

I can tell that Logan went pale by this.

Logan: "I'm- *SighCan we switch?"

Logan looks at me. Why me? Oh fine...

Cartee: "Augh, I guess I have no choice but to sleep with Tyler. Damnit. Hou go sleep on the couch then, Logan."

Logan: "Thanks alot Carter."

Aiden: "Haha! Goodluck, C! And goodnight to both of you!"

Logan: "Good night, you two."

Carter: "G'Night then."

Aiden enters his and Bens bedroom, and I enter to now mine and Tylers bedroom, as I shut the door beside me.

I look at the bed, to see Tyler still awake, and on his phone.

Tyler: "What? Just do what you have to do."

Carter: "Alright, no need to be pushy, dude." Too bad there's no treadmill, and running in place might make some noise. Guess I'll have to do some stretching instead.

I start to stretch my body. First my legs, then my arms, then my entire body.

Tyler: "You stretch before sleeping?"

Carter: "Run on treadmills actually, but since there are none, and I might make some noises when running in place, I decided to stretch. Guess I picked up a habit of Ashy."

Tyler: "Ashy?"

Carter: "A nickname I gave to Ashlyn."

Tyler: "Thats childish. Not nickname making, but the nickname you gave her. I mean, "Ashy"? Seriously?"

Carter: "Hey! I was five when I gave her that! It got stuck, I guess."

Tyler: "...Thinking about it, both you and Ashlyn were never that social when it comes to others ever since me and Tay first saw you as kids. You can talk to them, sure, but you dont know how to maintain the conversation, leaving an awkward silence. Ashlyn doesnt talk, at all. Why is that?"

Carter: "Well, its because we are both socially inept when it comes to other people. We are introverts. Well, I'm part-introvert and part-extrovert, but mostly on the introvert side."

Tyler: "I see. Well, I'll sleep now."

Carter: "Usually, I would take up more time into this, but since I cant run, I guess I'll catch some Zs too."

I start to lay down beside Tyler.

Carter: "G'Night, Tyler."

Tyler: "Yeah."

That is when we finally fell asleep...

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